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Posts Tagged: 'vampire+academy:+lissa+dragomir'

Jul. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Klaus and Lissa
What: The Hybrid helps the Queen
When: Saturday
Where: Near the prison
Warnings: Crazy earth shakers and tsunamis~

You knew me and my sparrow. Happiness tidal, it comes and it goes. And I sank into the water. How I drifted farther away from the coast. )

Nov. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Rose and Dean with Lissa
What: Rose mistakes Dean for Kol and lays into him
When: Bendy times
Where: The prison
Warnings: Language and violence for sure

that you all have guns for hands and you never put the safety on and you all have plans to take it, to take it, don't take it, take it. )

Oct. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Kai and EVERYONE (at Fangtasia)
What: Kai decides to pay the Vampire Authority a visit
When: Saturday night
Where: Fangtasia
Warnings: Violence, NPC deaths, more violence, it's Kai
Status: Please title/put warnings on your subthreads and if anyone wants to throw fisticuffs with Kai just let me know

Death and destruction all around. Shops and houses are razed to the ground. Burnt out houses, empty shells. Here on earth it's just a mortal hell. )