World In Her Hands
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June 2012
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What the hell just happened? And not that I don't appreciate a brand new blackberry, but my old phone was just fine.

Tracking down drug traffickers in the middle of Columbia? Not so fun.

What's this I hear about Aaron Echolls being here? Someone should tell him I carry a gun now.

I'm beginning to think that Scully's skepticism has worn off on me, because I seriously do not believe that my world just blinked right on front of me.

I'm in a new office, with new furniture, the desk calendar says October 16th, 2008 and for the first time in a few years, there's no pretty redheaded doctor in front of me.

Anybody care to tell me what this "godbox" is and why I had instructions to post with it?

What kind of Twilight Zone/X-Files shit is this?

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