World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back September 19th, 2008 Forward

Are you there God, it's me Loki. Right. Yahweh, you don't mind I call you Yahweh, right? I mean, it's not like you're the only deity larking about this planet.

Now, what's going on?

So, what?

I get out early on good behaviour? Lovely. Where can I buy one of those custom shirts that say, "I've been Framed?"

No, I'm not bitter. It's just my acidic wit after being in a teeny tiny living space. Acid. Get it. That was a terrible pun.

I gots a beeeeeeear! Pwesent times fwom Mummy!

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Oh, bloody hell! This isn’t real... Nononononono!

Oh, God, it is...

Oh, honestly, this is the surprise? You gotta be kidding me! This is just fucking brilliant! I’m … I’m 16 again?!

God )

Sylar [userpic]

I knew I was the best.

bonnie deville [userpic]

If you haven't already, you all need to welcome Keona Guster, my BFFE. Finally dragged her lazy ass here :P

Kogan the Destroyer. )

Anyone invited to the wedding, people who were invited as dates, etc. )

ETA: Keona Gusterrrr. )

These books are ... quite upsetting interesting...

Potter )

Detective Lassiter )

Sylar [userpic]

God )

Other me )

I need a power so that I never get tired. Anyone know who's got one?

Dad and Anita )

Jess )

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Ok God, here I go... watch me be 'nice'

Logan )

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Rodney, haven't heard from you in a while. Busy at work? Or just too embarassed after I saw all those baby photos and your cute, little, naked...

Got plan ideas for the weekend?

Back September 19th, 2008 Forward