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[Oct. 13th, 2009|09:44 pm]
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Who: Austin Summerby & Drew Summers
When: Monday Evening
Where: Hufflepuff 6th Year Boys Dorm
What: Drew is upset
Rating: PG
Open/Closed: Open

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[Oct. 12th, 2009|11:45 am]

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Who: Adrian Pucey and George Weasley
When: Nighttime!
Where: some random club
What: Adrian's having a night out with Ali. George is going to corner him for a chat. :D
Rating: TBD.
Open/Closed: Closed, though possibly open to Ali toward the end?

witty cut text )
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[Oct. 12th, 2009|10:02 am]

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Who: Katie Bell and Percy Weasley
When: Lunchtime
Where: Cafe near the Ministry
What: Scene Lottery. Someone’s lunch date goes awry, and someone else is there to see it happen.
Rating: PG
Open/Closed: Closed

witty cut text )
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|10:03 pm]
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Who: Vicky Frobisher and Branwen Dunstan
When: Sunday evening, about an hour before curfew.
Where: A classroom
What: Scene Lottery: A classroom you two are left in seems to decide that they're in detention, locking them in for several hours.
Rating: PG, maybe, for potential language
Open/Closed: Closed - literally.

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[Oct. 11th, 2009|09:48 pm]

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Who: Eloise Midgen and Megan Jones
Sunday evening
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room/Girls' Dormitory
What: Megan and Eloise have some girl time before another week of classes
Rating: G
Open/Closed: Closed & Incomplete

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[Oct. 11th, 2009|08:17 pm]

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Who: Alfie and Julien
What: Talking, Hiding, Ignoring Work
Where: On the grounds
When: Sunday, After lunch
Warnings: TBA

He walked fast, he didn't really want to give Julien time to change his mind. . )
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|09:57 pm]

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Who: Professor Snape & Theo Nott
What: Theo's paranoid about the Puzzle box
Where: Snape's office
When: Saturday evening

I'm honestly trying, I act like I'm here. It's really hard to care )
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THREAD: Alicia Spinnet and Fred Weasley. [Oct. 11th, 2009|09:05 pm]

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WHO: Alicia Spinnet and Fred Weasley maybe George too?
WHAT: Alicia visits Fred.
WHEN: Afternoon sometime.
--- )
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|01:37 am]
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WHO: Alecto Carrow & Rabastan Lestrange
WHAT: Alecto and Rabastan are going to BULGARIA in search of Gregorovitch and ultimately his capture.
WHERE: Starting at 12 Grimmauld Place → Random locations in Bulgaria (Gregorovitch's wand shop → His ginger bread looking home)
WHEN: Around 3 in the morning and onward.
RATING/STATUS: R - c'mon, look who it involves / Started; Incomplete - Open to Rabastan Lestrange.

It was times like these that Alecto could hardly contain herself... )
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[Oct. 9th, 2009|09:46 pm]
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Who: Percy and Fred and George :-)
What: Dinner and drinkies
When: Tonight
Where: Twins' flat
Rating: Er. There might be some language?
Open/Complete: Closed/Incomplete

Like all Weasleys... )
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[Oct. 9th, 2009|10:34 pm]

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WHO: Audrey Wadcock and Samantha Capper
WHAT: walkin'
WHERE: out on the grounds
WHEN: Friday night
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Gay kissage!/PG13/Ongoing

She'd heard loads of stories about the Forbidden Forest and while most of them were probably not true, or gross exaggerations, there was a reason it was called the Forbidden Forest and not the Really Really Welcoming Forest. )
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Daily Prophet: October 8, 1997 [Oct. 8th, 2009|09:41 pm]
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Confused Muggles in Godric’s Hollow

Muggles visiting the village cemetery in Godric’s Hollow over the weekend were distraught after the sudden appearances and then disappearances of two people they claim to have recognized. The muggles were understandably startled, as the acquaintances in question were reportedly the muggles Gerald and Lucy Everett, whom muggle authorities confirm were murdered in their home along with their two children. Muggle authorities have no suspects in consideration in the unsolved crime. The Ministry is convinced that these muggles who saw the Everetts were merely mistaken. However, Hitwizards are currently investigating the confusion in the graveyard, and the Daily Prophet urges any wizards or witches of Godric’s Hollow who might be able to shed any light on this situation to come forward.

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[Oct. 7th, 2009|08:21 pm]
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Who: Greg and Millicent (and perhaps Nicholas or other Slyths)
When: Evening.
Where: Slytherin table, Great Hall, dinnertime
What: Dinner. Probably some sort of talk, about things, but I can't be sure.
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: Openish/Incomplete

Greg wasn't good at dinner. )
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|10:55 pm]
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Who: Penelope Clearwater & Percy Weasley
When: Evening.
Where: Penelope and Oliver's flat.
What: Penelope cooks a meal from the Epicurean cookbook (Percy's birthday gift to her) and catches up with Percy.
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: Closed, incomplete.

Read more... )
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[Oct. 7th, 2009|10:29 pm]

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Characters: Samantha Capper, Ginny Weasley
Setting: Wednesday, early evening, by the lake
Summary: Aggravating backlash from her prank is aggravating...and so Sam seeks some peace outside
Rating/Disclaimer: PG/PG13, mostly because Sam wants to curse up a storm.

Usually, after pulling a prank off so flawless, Sam felt a giddy, buoyancy that couldn't be replicated. Usually her pranks resulted in a good laugh and some entertainment or retribution. Usually. )
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[Oct. 6th, 2009|09:30 pm]
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Who: Draco and Astoria
What: Talking, Commiserating
Where: Slytherin Common Room
When: Tonight
Warnings: TBA

Even so, it was a better feeling than the other times when that doubling occurred. )
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Daily Prophet: October 5, 1997 [Oct. 5th, 2009|05:53 pm]
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Ministry Management Means A Safer Hogwarts
Betty Braithwaite

The safety of young wizards and witches is a topic of great concern to our entire community. And yet for years rumors of lax standards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have persisted, and gone largely unchecked. Past instances have seen students injured while attending classes, such as in Care of Magical Creatures while under the watch of Rebeus Hagrid - who continues to be listed as missing, though rumors of the giant uprising have led many to speculate that the half-giant returned to his own kind. Which raises, again, the question of hiring dark creatures to hold positions of such prominence.

And in a new and far more severe development, a student - Daphne Greengrass - was seriously injured and assaulted by the giant squid kept in Hogwarts lake. The squid was added to the school for unknown reasons by a previous Headmaster, and has, since the time of its arrival, grown to nearly three times its initial size. The squid attacked Miss Greengrass without provocation, and by all reports nearly drowned her.

Many students expressed their lack of surprise at this development. )
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[Oct. 4th, 2009|10:57 pm]

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Characters: Samantha Capper and Audrey Wadcock
Setting: Sunday afternoon around the halls of Hogwarts
Summary: Picking up from their break out of the House Unity party.
Rating/Warning: PG really, some mild flirting and some close calls with vandalism.

It seemed to take much longer for Audrey to join her than it actually was and when footsteps finally echoed around her she started excitedly. )
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[Oct. 3rd, 2009|01:11 am]

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Who: Hermione, Ron, Harry
When: Saturday, while the rest of the students are at Hogsmeade
Where: Godric's Hollow
What: Retrieving the first horcrux.
Rating: T.B.A. Likely Pg-13 for
Open/Closed: Closed

Harry kept wanting to reach up and touch his hair, or the bridge of his nose, where his glasses didn't rest. )
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[Oct. 3rd, 2009|01:03 am]

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Who: Harry, Ginny
When: Thursday Night (Backdated)
Where: Room of Requirement
What: Checking the RoR's enchantments. Ginny uses a flimsy excuse to get Harry alone.
Rating: T.B.A. Probably tame.
Open/Closed: Closed.

Harry met Ginny downstairs a few minutes late. )
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