[Sep. 6th, 2010|12:25 pm] |
Who: Oriel Summerby and Alfred Cattermole! When: September 6th. Afternoon. Where: The Velveteen Rabbit. What: Book shopping? Rating: Low? Status: Closed/Complete.
( Browsing ) |
[Jul. 7th, 2010|12:08 am] |
Who: Maisie and Alfie What: Sibling luncheon! When: July 6, 2003 around lunch time. Where: Muggle London, Papa Leno’s Italian restaurant. Rating/Warning: Probably low/Cuteness?
( Alfie was her favorite and only brother ) |
[Jul. 5th, 2010|04:59 pm] |
Who: Alfie and Julien What: Date! When: The 30th, after this. Where: Their flat, then out? Rating/Warning: TBA, likely high
( The interview went well. ) |
[May. 24th, 2010|09:37 pm] |
WHO: Wayne Hopkins & Alfie Cattermole WHAT: the first wayward badger comes home WHERE: Hufflepuff Common Room WHEN: backdated: 19 May, late evening WARNINGS/RATING: R for cursing and mangled body parts STATUS: Open
( Red was the color of his dream. ) |
[May. 7th, 2010|09:55 pm] |
Who: Alfie and Julien What: Time to Talk Where: Their Classroom When: After Dinner Rating/Warning: TBA, but likely... you know!
( Alfie was on edge all the time now. ) |
[Apr. 4th, 2010|03:43 pm] |
Who: Alfie and Goyle What: Giving over Homework Where: Astronomy Tower When: Yesterday morning Rating/Warning: TBA, violence and language
( He just hoped the sod wasn't late. ) |
[Mar. 8th, 2010|09:41 pm] |
Who: Alfie and Julien What: Time to talk Where: Outside the Great Hall When: After breakfast Rating/Warning: TBA
( I see a bad moon rising ) |
[Mar. 8th, 2010|09:49 am] |
Who: Alfie and Kevin Entwhistle What: Card Games Where: Great Hall, then elsewhere? When: After Lunch Rating/Warning: TBA
( When did you want to play cards? ) |
[Mar. 4th, 2010|08:29 pm] |
Who: Wayne and Alfie What: Hospital Wing Visit Where: Hospital Wing When: Today Rating/Warning: TBA
( You're not asleep, are you? ) |
[Jan. 19th, 2010|07:36 pm] |
Who: Greg and Alfie What: An exchange of favors....okay getting his blackmail homework Where: 2nd Floor corridor, not near the Headmistress's entrance at all! When: Evening, Monday Rating/Warning: TBD!