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What Price?

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Two boys, a beer, and the best game on earth [Oct. 16th, 2009|03:03 pm]

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[Current Location |Ipswich]
[Current Mood |contemplative]

Who: Gus & Phil
When: Sat, Sept 26 (BACKDATED like whoa.)
Where: Various and sundry intermediary locations, mostly at the Ipswich v Newcastle game (in Ipswich)
What: Spiritual Counseling takes many forms
Status: Complete
Rating: PG?

You can't change another person's way of thinking, all you can do is live your life authentically to the best of your ability. )
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Aquascutum presentation (Open to all) [Sep. 21st, 2009|03:26 pm]

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Who: Miranda Pye and a cast of thousands (add your character's name to the tags)
What: Aquascutum presentation (women's preview; men's preview)
When: Monday, 21 September, 9 AM to 6 PM
Where: Aquascutum showroom, 100 Regent Street, London, W1B 5SR
Warnings: Possibly some language, none others planned.
Status: Open to all, incomplete

The showroom had been prepared for both the presentation and the small catwalk shows--really just cleared areas with chairs for the clients to sit while the models strolled past in their gear--that would be going on intermittently all day. The public area of the store was filled with large-scale photographs of models in the new season's clothes and racks of goods that would soon be for sale; behind the scenes it was a madhouse of pinning, sewing, primping, and other last-minute preparations. Designers and models worked anxiously as buyers and clients perused the offerings, waiting to see how the garments that starred in the photographs looked in motion on the models' walk down the psuedo-runway.
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[Sep. 18th, 2009|03:21 pm]

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[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Augustus Pye and Miranda Pye
What: A sibling chat.
When: Friday night, September 18, 2009
Where: The back porch of Jules' house in Histon/Impington
Warnings: None really.
Status: Complete.

But if it's nothing like that year, it's still something. )
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[Sep. 16th, 2009|01:14 pm]

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[Current Mood |melancholy]

Who: Augustus Pye and Penelope Clearwater
What: Wednesday night dinner
When: Wednesday night, Septber 16, 2009
Where: Penny's flat.
Warnings: Probably swearing.
Status: Complete.

Making his way up to Penny's flat, Gus kicked the door lightly as a way of knocking considering his hands were laden down with food and drinks. When the door opened, he smiled tightly, the tension from work still in his body as he held up the bags.

"You mentioned something about splurging?" he teased in a tired voice.
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[Sep. 16th, 2009|12:02 pm]

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[Current Mood |indescribable]

Who: Augustus Pye and Christopher Warrington
What: Gus and Chris talk business over lunch
When: Wednesday lunchtime, September 16, 2009
Where: Chris' office in Ministry Annex One
Warnings: None.
Status: Complege, log.

Feeling mortal, Gus? )
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Duty. Obligation. Responsibility. [Sep. 14th, 2009|11:12 pm]
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Who: AP squared (Adrian & Gus)
What: An unpleasant but necessary discussion that Adrian has been putting off
When: Monday, 14 September, after hours
Where: Their clinic, Diagon Alley
Warnings: Probably language
Status: Closed, incomplete.

Adrian had not been looking forward to this conversation before his disastrous talk with Phil about it and he definitely wasn't afterwards. Still, the fact that he wasn't looking forward to it didn't mean he could slack off any longer now that he'd decided what needed to be done. When clinic hours were over, he saw Janice down to the Leaky and out onto Charing Cross Road, and made his own way back to catch Gus before Gus headed off to--well, probably something with Corner. Adrian hoped so anyway, so he'd have someone to complain about Adrian's perfidy to, anyhow.

He banged on the doorframe of their office, where Gus was still filing patient records to close out the day. "Got a moment?"
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beers and cigs [Sep. 8th, 2009|06:59 pm]

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[Current Mood |restless]

Who: Phil and Gus
When: Monday, September 7, 2009
Where: The Steps of Adrian's townhouse
What:A friendly little chat and a switching of roles. Oh, and curry, cigs, and beer.
Status: Log, Completed
Rating: G/PG

I also don't speak Latin unlike our dear Catholic boy. )
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[Sep. 7th, 2009|10:07 pm]

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[Current Mood |hopeful]

Who: Augustus Pye and Michael Corner
What: Being social on the lunch break.
When: Tuesday noon time, September 8
Where: Ollivander's.
Warnings: Likely innuendo.
Status: Incomplete, threading.

Walking up to the door of Ollivander's, Gus shifted the bags so that he could open the door. It still felt weird to walk into the store now. The door felt far too big, but then he'd grown quite a bit since he got his first wand. Rapping his knuckles against the door as he pushed it open, he couldn't help smiling a bit stupidly as he looked around the shop.

"Michael? You down here? I brought Indian, as promised," he called out.
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[Aug. 31st, 2009|12:20 am]

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[Current Mood |content]

Who: Augustus Pye and Penelope Clearwater
What: Friends catching up after church
When: Sunday morning-ish, August 30
Where: Outside St. Mark's, Beckton
Warnings: None?
Status: Complete

Gus was in an exceptionally good mood. Even the usual nervousness of the possible danger he was putting Penny in couldn't ruin the mood and wipe the grin from his face. Leaving the church with an arm lightly wrapped around Penny's shoulders, he let out a content sigh. "That was a good service."
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[Aug. 30th, 2009|11:24 pm]

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[Current Mood |content]

Who: Augustus Pye and Michael Corner
What: 'Date' two.
When: Saturday night, August 29
Where: Michael's new flat in Diagon Alley
Warnings: TBD
Status: placeholder

Abandoned for now unless time and boredom line up right. Basically, Gus helped Michael move in. Since they got all hot and sweaty, they showered together with some play and then moved to christen the bed in the new location. Post was going to be snuggle session afterwards.
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Testimony [Aug. 28th, 2009|10:46 pm]
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Who: Penelope Clearwater, Gus Pye, and Chris and Astoria Warrington
What: Penny interviews Astoria, with a healer and a lawyer for company
When: Friday, 28 August
Where: Dungate House (OWLS)
Warnings: Discussion of torture
Status: Closed, complete

Gus nodded slightly, focusing on the medical part rather than the part that could very well have been a testimony from any of the Muggleborns that suffered from the registration act. )
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[Aug. 24th, 2009|05:14 pm]
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Who: Adrian Pucey & Gus Pye
What: A morning in the office at the clinic leads to Adrian getting another bad idea.
When: Morning, 24 August
Where: Their clinic, Diagon Alley
Warnings: None expected
Status: Completed log

What if he doesn't want to be brought? )
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Do you think I'm shaggable? [Aug. 23rd, 2009|08:09 am]

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[Current Mood |frustrated]

Who: Penelope Clearwater & Augustus Pye
What: Relationship Advice over Whisky
When: Friday, 21 August, evening
Where: Penny's flat
Status: Log, complete
Warnings: talk of shagging, nighties and sex lives

I fail to believe that you have no sort of flimsy teddy )
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[Aug. 22nd, 2009|10:45 pm]

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[Current Mood |chipper]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Augustus Pye
What: Gus takes Phil out to escape the townhouse for awhile.
When: August 22, lunchtime
Where: Adrian's townhouse to the Clinic and Diagon Alley
Warnings: puking?
Status: Complete, log

Me giving you this tour breaks the rules. You knowing about wizards breaks the rules. )
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[Aug. 15th, 2009|03:33 pm]
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Who: Michael Corner and Gus Pye
What: Theatre, dinner, and a clueless Gus...
When: 15 August, Saturday night
Where: Diagon Alley - London - back to Diagon
Warnings: PG-13 - R -> depends on how clueless Gus really is
Status: incomplete

Michael had arrived to Diagon Alley long before the time he was supposed to meet up with Gus for their adventures that evening.

He had to talk to some goblins about a building. )
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[Aug. 14th, 2009|11:11 pm]

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[Current Mood |drained]

Who: Augustus Pye and Lucille Granger
What: Phone Call
When: Friday night, August 14, 2009
Where: their respective locations
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Gus checked again to make sure the recording equipment was set up properly as he shot a glare at the pay as you go phone he had purchased earlier in the week. He wasn't fully sure what the increased security meant. Hopefully it was a good thing in his favor. Hearing the phone ring, he took a deep breath as he hooked the bluetooth to his iPhone on his ear and set it to record. He wasn't sure if it would work properly, but at least it was worth a try. Clicking the pay as you go phone on, he cleared his throat.

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Another morning mass, another wizard [Aug. 14th, 2009|09:44 am]

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[Current Location |mayfair, london, uk]
[Current Mood |worried]

Who: Phillip Hughes & Augustus Pye
Where: Farm Street Jesuit Centre / Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mayfair
When: Friday morning, 14 August, after the 8am mass
What:Phillip has something to give Gus which brightens his day
Status: Log, Complete
Warnings: none

Temptation comes in all shapes and sizes. And some of them I think are better heeded than ignored )

Encrypted Email [Aug. 11th, 2009|04:28 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Date: 11 August 2009
To: cille@gmail.com
From: imthedoctor@gmail.com
Subject: Re: What's happening?

I would say that depends on what Carl is distraught about.

On Aug 7, 2009, Lucille Granger <cille@gmail.com> wrote:

>Carl is distraught. I don't know what to do. Could we talk?
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[Aug. 10th, 2009|06:23 pm]

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Who: Percy Weasley, Penelope Clearwater, Augustus Pye
What: A small celebration for the (belated) Birthday Girl and the newly-housed Healer
When: Monday evening, lateish 10 August
Where: 7 Ballyvolane House, Castlelyons, County Cork
Warnings: none thus far
Status: thread/in progress

A lovely large estate out of the way of England. This place fit the bill perfectly for the night, even if it was a little pricey. Still, he thought to himself, he didn't know when he'd be able to squeeze in time again with his friends. It was alright to dismiss expenses on occasion.

Percy lounged on the chaise lounge (it was what you did on that, after all) as he wrote inside of his journal that lay flat on the cushion. He needed a speech writer, he lamented as he fought the urge to scratch out what he just wrote and, instead, just continued to push through.
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Open house at the clinic [Aug. 10th, 2009|11:13 am]
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Who: Adrian Pucey, Gus Pye, and a cast of thousands
What: Open house for first day at the clinic
When: 9 AM, Monday 10 August
Where: The new clinic at 129B Diagon Alley
Warnings: Should be pretty tame
Status: OPEN, incomplete.

Adrian and Gus had worked like madmen over the weekend and late into Sunday night to finalise the preparations for the clinic opening. It seemed to Adrian that the only break he'd taken for days was Mass on Sunday morning. Now, a bit bleary-eyed but well caffeinated with tea, he and Gus were waiting to see what the patient load would be like.

There was a sign on the street and balloons to show anyone who needed to find the clinic where the staircase up was. In the waiting room, there were comfortable couches and a coffee table with a cake baked by Flitchy sitting on it, ready for the Healers to serve to their littlest patients and their parents. There was also a tea service set up for patients and Healers alike.

At precisely 8:59, Adrian turned to Gus and said, "Here goes nothing," as he unlocked the door and flipped the sign on it with his wand. The clinic was officially open.
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