What Price? - August 11th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 11th, 2009

I have a cunning plan. [Aug. 11th, 2009|10:39 am]


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Who: Juliet Orfanos, Parvati Patil
What: In which Gavrail's future is discussed, and probably more.
When: Tuesday, 11 August
Where: Phone conversation.
Warnings: Elliptical discussions of gangland activities.
Status: Complete

Markos usually handled any business that had to be conducted by telephone or e-mail; Juliet distrusted the damn appliances more or less on principle, even if her daughter swore by her Raspberry or Blackberry or whatever the thing was called. But if that was how Patil wanted to do business, so it was.

It had been explained to her that one's location could be tracked by phone signal, so she took her mobile and went out for a walk in St James' Park. A middle-aged businesswoman on a mobile was a sufficiently common sight that no one paid her any mind as she sat down on a shaded bench and dialled Patil's number.
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Fidelius Casting [Aug. 11th, 2009|10:45 am]


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Who: Ginny Weasley, Marcus Belby, George Weasley
What: Hiding Potter Farm under Fidelius
When: Tuesday, 11 August
Where: Potter farm, Snowdonia
Warnings: PG for Weasleys being Weasleys
Status: closed, complete

Trudging up the path to the farmhouse, Marcus noticed how quiet the surrounding forest seemed to be. He was sure he had noticed the natural sounds of various types of fauna the last time he was here, and he wondered if Ginny had cleared out anything that might be a distraction during the casting of such a complex spell. He pulled the strap of his satchel farther up on his shoulder, holding the pack close to his side, as if protecting it. It had taken a great deal of effort to produce enough material to cover the area Ginny needed, and he was almost loathe to give it up. As he approached the familiar old farmhouse, he called out, his voice echoing in the preternatural quiet.

"Oi, Ginny! Are you here?"

Remind me never to help you with any invisibility spells, will you? )
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Ravenclaws at the Bodleian [Aug. 11th, 2009|10:51 am]


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Who: Marietta Edgecombe and Cho Chang
What: Cho and Marietta touch base.
When: Tuesday, August 9
Where: The Bodleian Library, Oxford
Warnings: Swearing, most likely.
Status: Complete

With her stack of Le Fanu source material in hand, Cho settled down at one of the study tables in the Bodleian's Upper Reading Room. She was pretty sure she'd gotten there without being followed; she had conducted her business in a way that was open without being ostentiatious. As if nothing was wrong, in fact, even though she had never felt more hunted.

Her study table was on the side nearest the reading room entrance, next to a window; she could see the door without straining too hard, and there was little room for an eavesdropper to hang around without being noticed. She sat with her elbow on the table and chin in hand, looking at the biography before here and only just seeing it.
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A pair of owls [Aug. 11th, 2009|11:11 am]


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To Percy )


To Charlie )
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|01:52 pm]
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Who: Harry Potter, Katie Bell
What: two-way mirror call
When: Sunday Aug 9, afternoon
Where: through the looking glass
Warnings: none
Status: complete

You're... you're sure someone's coming? )

Who: NPC Reece Fox, Ernie Macmillan, Oliver Wood, and an unconscious Hermione Granger
What: Hermione plays dead, Agent Fox dumps the body, and Ernie and Oliver make the save
When: Sunday Aug 9, near midnight
Where: Highgate Golf Club and an Order safehouse
Warnings: surprisingly, none
Status: complete

Remind me not to go to a Muggle hospital. )
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Encrypted Email [Aug. 11th, 2009|04:28 pm]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

Date: 11 August 2009
To: cille@gmail.com
From: imthedoctor@gmail.com
Subject: Re: What's happening?

I would say that depends on what Carl is distraught about.

On Aug 7, 2009, Lucille Granger <cille@gmail.com> wrote:

>Carl is distraught. I don't know what to do. Could we talk?
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Questions and answers [Aug. 11th, 2009|07:47 pm]
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Who: Chris and Astoria Warrington and Lucius Malfoy
What: Astoria has questions for Lucius and Lucius has questions for Chris
When: Tuesday evening, 11 August
Where: Dungate House
Warnings: Probably none because evil doesn't like naughty words
Status: Closed, complete.

Astoria and Chris had been shown up to the private dining room that Lucius had requisitioned for their use and been entertained in fine Malfoy style. Business had been deferred until after the meal, which was sumptuous and exceeded even the meal that Chris and Astoria had had the week before. After they'd enjoyed their sweet and the fine dessert wine that Lucius had chose with it, the moment came for questions.

"So, I believe we were going to discuss whether I could offer any evidence that might be of assistance in an approach to the Muggle government," she said. "I believe I would need to know what kind of information you're looking for, and what's to be done with it."
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|09:26 pm]
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Who: Katie Bell, Harry Potter
What: Harry contacts Katie to determine Hermione's status and request that she pass a message on to Cho.
When: Wednesday evening, August 12th
Where: From Harry's apartment to Katie
Warnings: Likely low rating.
Status: Incomplete

"Katie?" Neville was gone. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead. Harry lay on his back on the futon.
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