What Price? - August 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 12th, 2009

Owl to Draco Malfoy [Aug. 12th, 2009|05:23 pm]
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Who: Hermione Granger
When: Wednesday, 12 August 2009
What: An owl
Status: Closed, incomplete

Written in far from the best handwriting )
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[Aug. 12th, 2009|07:55 pm]
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Who: Romilda Vane and D Dursley
What: Romy and D under the same roof again
When: Wednesday late morning
Where: the Pucey residence in Upper Flagley, Yorkshire
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

By the time they'd gotten to Upper Flagley and had settled into their respective bedrooms the night before, Romilda had gone straight to bed, exhausted and not quite ready to deal with whatever it was that came next without a full night's sleep. It was ten o'clock before she roused herself from bed, and she brushed her teeth and pulled her hair back in a ponytail before padding downstairs and into the kitchen in her sweats and a light long-sleeved shirt.

She'd tucked her wand up into the sleeve, where she'd gotten used to keeping it while in the house, a comfort object, almost.
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An unlikely teacher for an unlikely student [Aug. 12th, 2009|08:29 pm]
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Who: Draco Malfoy, Marcus Belby
What: Occlumency Lessons
When: Thursday afternoon, August 13th
Where: Draco's Abode
Warnings: None yet
Status: Incomplete (closed)

Draco's directions were perfectly clear, and Marcus found himself approaching the door of a rather charming cottage in the country, bordered on one side by a rambling river. It was quite a lovely place, if one was looking for solitude, and somehow Marcus was not expecting it to look so...homey.

Checking his watch once more to make sure of the time, he knocked briskly on the door.
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Official Owl [Aug. 12th, 2009|09:28 pm]


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Ms. Penelope Clearwater
Care Of The Ministry of Magic
Ministry Annex One
Diagon Alley

Ms. Clearwater,

I have obtained the needed permissions to have you interview Mrs. Astoria Warrington regarding her captivity. Please note that she is a victim in this matter and that the government wishes her well following her ordeal. In addition, she is an old family friend, so please respect her limits.

She has also agreed that you may gather information from Healer Seren Fawcett at the Snowdonia clinic. It is my strong recommendation that her testimony be filtered through Healer Pye, who is also a credentialed Muggle Healer.

I hope this is of service to our mutual cause,

Your obedient,
Lucius Malfoy
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