What Price? - July 29th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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July 29th, 2009

Seen posted at MI7 St. Pancras Facility [Jul. 29th, 2009|05:37 pm]


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[Current Mood |bored]

[typed and posted - no fingerprints on the paper]

On the Section C bulletin board:

Things to do to Suspect Number One

1. Hot Oil
2. Send him to Gitmo as a present to the Yanks
3. Use him as a test subject on the items in the Tower of London
4. Break EVERY bone in his body
5. Napalm
6. Rip out his fingernails
7. Suspend him by his toes from the London Eye
8. Feed him to piranhas
9. Tie him to the horns of a bull in Spain
10. flashbombs

In the Men's Loo:

Ways to Annoy Burbage

1. Make lists and post them around headquarters
2. Ask to meet her daily for tea
3. Offer to take her out for dinner. Do not give up.
4. Lace her tea with laxatives
5. CC her on every memo, including the senseless ones
6. Offer to reorganize her office
7. Napalm
8. Find a techie to freeze her accounts
9. Make her deal with Whitehall
10. Ban Field Agents from active duty
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How do you build a safe-house? [Jul. 29th, 2009|08:39 pm]
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Who: Ginny Weasley Potter and Marcus Belby
What: Ward discussion
When: 23 July 2009, evening
Where: Oxford, Belby Estate
Warnings: none

Look, if you feel the need to protect yourself and Teddy, until you're certain of what Harry's doing and why, then that's what we'll do. )
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Secure internal email [Jul. 29th, 2009|09:05 pm]


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TO: ShashidarK (Krishnan); SatouM (Michael);
FROM: SomersetD (David);

Subject is due for interrogation regarding the Freya's Chariot incident. Priorities are Suspect No. 1 and information about both the wizards on board and her connection with S. Amarnath and the other motorboat. Use your discretion on bringing her in if she's uncooperative.

If you do bring her in, bring in all of her computer equipment and secure the residence for examination.

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[Jul. 29th, 2009|10:30 pm]


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[Current Mood |surprised]

Who: Augustus Pye and Phillip Hughes
Where: Gardens of Church of Immaculate Conception, Mayfair
What: Gus wants to make sure Phil is alright and just talk to a fellow doctor.
When: Wednesday, July 29, after the 8am mass
Status: Complete

You're in my prayers, but even I can't work miracles. )
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