What Price? - July 30th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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July 30th, 2009

Just look into my eyes [Jul. 30th, 2009|03:44 pm]


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[Current Location |Beckton, London]
[Current Mood |discontent]

Who: Penelope Clearwater and Adrian Pucey
When: Thursday, 30 July 8pm ish
Where: Penny's 'safe' flat in Beckton.
What: Penny and Adrian have dinner, exchange memories and information.
Warnings: None
Status: Complete. :)

Has he done something that makes you suspicious? )
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[Jul. 30th, 2009|07:02 pm]
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Patronuses to Percival Weasley and Charles Weasley )
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[Jul. 30th, 2009|11:00 pm]


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[Current Location |london]
[Current Mood |grateful]

Who: Zacharias Smith and Chris Warrington
When: Thursday, 30 July 2009, early evening
Where: OWLS club, London
What: Chris and Zach have a chat about the wizengamot & investments
Warning: pureblood snobbery?
status: complete

This could be a woefully short converstaion or quite a long one. )
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