What Price? - July 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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July 28th, 2009

dinner and a chat.. [Jul. 28th, 2009|02:00 pm]


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Who:Penelope Clearwater and Michael Corner
What: Dinner & a chat
Where: An Indian restaurant in Woolwich
When: Tuesday, 28 July 2009, dinner
Warning: none?
Status:In progress

Penelope had given Michael directions to the Indian place across the river in Woolwich that she'd gone to a few times. It was far enough from home, that in case something happened, there wouldn't be any consequences for her. Sitting in a table in the corner, she sipped her Mango Lassi and waited for Michael to arrive. When she spotted him, she waved him over and got to hr feet.
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Case file: Bill Weasley - 24 July 2009 [Jul. 28th, 2009|05:29 pm]
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Patient is a thirty-eight year old pureblooded wizard with a partial lycanthropic syndrome. See attached file for further details. Patient has moved between the Muggle and wizarding world for the last year plus.

Prognosis in this case is difficult to determine at this time. )
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[Jul. 28th, 2009|10:21 pm]
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Who: Bill, Charlie, Fleur, George, Ginny, Hermione, and Percy Weasley
What: The Weasleys meet to discuss Harry and Neville, and Katie also comes up.
When: Sunday, July 26th, 10 P.M.
Where: Bill and Fleur's Order Safehouse
Warnings: R for language (I think)
Status: Log, complete

I'd rather be part of a 'Let's Ask A Few Questions, Possibly With Bludgers If Needed' Mob than a lynch mob. )
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