What Price? - July 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 13th, 2009

MI7 muster [Jul. 13th, 2009|12:25 am]
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[Current Location |various]
[Current Mood |chipper]

Who: MI7 sundries
Where: MI7 headquarters, London; RAF airbase; Devonport Naval Base
What: Phillip gets the call from Sam, MI7 moves out
When: Friday, 10 July 2009

If Possible )
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Bless me Father, for I have sinned [Jul. 13th, 2009|12:45 am]


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[Current Location |mayfair, london, uk]
[Current Mood |heavy-hearted]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Gus Pye
When: Sunday, 5 July 2009
Where: The reconciliation room at Immaculate Conception, Mayfair, London
What: Gus goes to Fr. Phil for confession help and collaboration

God bless you and keep you safe )
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[Jul. 13th, 2009|10:28 am]
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[Current Music |"Things are Not What They Appear"- The Gothic Archies]

Who: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter
What: Ginny defends the staircase outside the suite cabins, Harry is revealed as alive and traitorous, and both end up in a very dark place.
When: Friday, July 10th, dusk.
Where: Bill's boat.

Give me one reason I shouldn't just kill you now. )

OOC Note: A link to this thread will be inserted into the main boat thread at an appropriate moment.
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Dove post, 13 July to Juliet [Jul. 13th, 2009|01:36 pm]


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[Current Mood |contemplative]

[Written on the back of a flyer in Russian]

We have entered a form of partnership with the Droogs that are in London area. They are interested in knowing who is attacking us, but Mikhail is still acting as if our meeting went well. He has set up correspondence with the Droogs through me as what looks to be their leader fancies me.
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Lying in wait [Jul. 13th, 2009|10:15 pm]
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Who: Katie Bell and Adrian Pucey
Where: Katy's flat - London
What: Adrian challenges the lion
When: Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Well, she'd be damned if she would name names for Adrian Pucey )
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The Land and the King are One [Jul. 13th, 2009|11:50 pm]


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Who: Lucius Malfoy, Percy Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Charlie Weasley, and a cast of Important NPCs.
What: Convening the summoning coven of the Wizengamot
When: Tuesday night, 7 July, after dark
Where: Arbor Low, Derbyshire.
Notes: The summoning coven convened on 7 July; the rest of the members were credentialed over the subsequent days, and the Wizengamot will announce the new Minister on Monday 20 July.

The company of wizards and witches had gathered at Arbor Low after sundown with all of the required props and components for the ritual they were about to perform. For all that it was a place known to Muggles, they'd set up a Muggle-repelling spell around the borders of the the area. The owner would refuse anyone wanting to come through at this late hour anyhow, and the spells would ensure that the owner didn't investigate any strange noises.

We convene the Wizengamoot! )

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