What Price? - June 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 6th, 2009

Want to go up on my broom? [Jun. 6th, 2009|12:17 am]


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Who: Charlie Weasley and Penelope Clearwater
What: A flying lesson, as promised during Teddy's birthday party
When: Saturday afternoon, 6 June
Where: Ginny's farm, Snowdonia

You sure you don't say that to all the g- students? )
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|12:47 am]


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[Current Mood |surprised]

Who: Lucius Malfoy, Augustus Pye, and Adrian Pucey
When: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, lunchtime
Where: The Brixton Clinic
What: Malfoy stops by to talk to Adrian and finds a Muggleborn instead. Lots of making nice and business proposals. And Gus admiring Lucius pimp cane.

Yes, we're all stubborn idiots and we like it that way. )
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|12:54 am]


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[Current Mood |contemplative]

Who: Adrian Pucey and Augustus Pye
When: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, lunchtime after Lucius Malfoy's visit
Where: Brixton Clinic
What: AP squared haven't gotten to talk for awhile, so they discuss many things including Lucius' visit, the Wizengamot, relationships, medical consults, and at the end they put two and two together about their mutual priestly friend.

I blame the fortune cookies, not you. Talking about sharing your insights with friends for rewards in bed and then how a friend is a gift you give yourself in bed. )
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Owl to Messrs Bole, Flint and Rickett, around the back, Esmeralda's, Brixton [Jun. 6th, 2009|08:11 am]


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A heavily warded message delivered by Owl.


It has come to my attention that we have matters of mutual interest that I would like to discuss with you. When may I call upon you?

L. Malfoy
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|09:02 am]


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[Current Mood |shocked]

Who: Augustus Pye, Cornelius Pye, Lucille Granger, and Carl Granger
When: Saturday, June 6, 2009
Where: Medical Conference
What: Gus gets more than he expects when he tags along for a medical conference.

Is this lad not doing his filial duty to you, Cornelius? For shame, young man. The entire point of having a child is the eventual hope of grandchildren. )
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Text Message to Hermione Granger [Jun. 6th, 2009|09:07 am]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

BTW what r ur parents given names?
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|01:33 pm]
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Who: Emma Dobbs and Neville Longbottom
What: Who knows? Neville has some ideas about those photographs of Emma's.
Where: a pub in London
When: Saturday, June 6
Rating: TBD

It had been a good long while since he'd seen Emma. Too long, Neville thought as he lifted his cup of coffee, leaning against the corner booth where he'd settled himself and a few notebooks, scrawling against the paper in a frenzy of writing, biting his lip now then where the thought overtook him so quickly he could barely remember to write anything down. He was in the middle of such a thought when he heard the footsteps nearby.

Rubbing at his nose, he glanced up. "Hello, Emma."
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|02:30 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy
When: Friday lunch, 5 June 2009
Where: Dungate House
What: catching up with Daddy

Lucius' schedule hadn't eased up - created a new government wasn't simple business. Draco sat waiting for his father, glancing down once in a while at the menu. The servent witch brought him some cold water, all that he wanted this afternoon as he looked around the room at the others eating. The juxtaposition of some Muggle clothing, mismatched as it was, with all manner of Wizarding garb spoke volumes about the sorts of people who were talking to each other now.

Draco picked up his small journal on the table, and jotted a few more notes inside it. There was no malice in having to wait for his father.

If anything, he wished there were a way he could be more helpful in this venture.
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We'll do it all. Everything. On our own. [Jun. 6th, 2009|04:50 pm]

Who: Draco Malfoy, featuring Ory the house-elf
When: 6 June, Saturday afternoon
Where: his new cottage
What: moving in?

We don't need anything or anyone. )
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Contacts Meet [Jun. 6th, 2009|06:45 pm]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |curious]

Who: Penelope & Morag
When: Sunday 7 June 2009, noontime
Where: A cafe in London
What: Revealing the informer

Penelope's information had made the front page of the Telegraph. She was grateful for Saturday's distraction, but today it was back to work, even though it was Sunday. She had set up the meeting through Adrian and was sitting in the cafe, wearing her aubergine coloured blouse and a copy of pride and prejudice in her hands. She was aware of her surroundings, but she couldn't help the added nervousness considering the story in the paper while she waited.
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|10:31 pm]
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Who: Penelope Clearwater and Neville Longbottom
What: Penelope sounds a little stressed. Neville makes a decent shoulder, or he tries.
Where: Crarae, Scotland
When: Sunday, June 7
Rating: TBD

Here, out past the places where anyone remembered, was where Neville felt most at home. Whatever he said of the wildernesses of cities, once he left them, he knew that his heart would never case itself in concrete and steel. This was the paradise for which he longed, a place of green and brown, where everything around him was so alive that he could almost taste the scent of it on the tip of his tongue.

He was knee-deep in a patch of moss when he heard the crack of Apparation, his fingers gently pressing down on a flower as he coaxed a bit of pollen from the bell into a slender glass vial. He did not turn, intent on finishing the delicate work, but remained as he was, the stroke of his thumb finally coaxing the blossom into release. He greeted her in a whisper, still shaking a bit of it down into the vial. "Penelope."
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voulez-vous... [Jun. 6th, 2009|10:52 pm]


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[Current Location |paris]
[Current Mood |horny]

Who: Zacharias Smith & Draco Malfoy
When: Friday, 5 June 2009
Where: Zach's flat, then a jaunt to the city of lights
What: Draco feels the need to get a pair of whores for his birthday. And ensure Zach loses his virginity.
Rating: R for sexual situations

If there's something wrong it needs to be fixed )
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