What Price? - May 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 9th, 2009

"We got more than just our bodies to offer..." [May. 9th, 2009|12:07 am]
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[Current Music |"Back Home" : Blue Scholars]

Who:Andrew Kirke and Neville Longbottom
What: As usual, Andrew and Neville talk politics, philosophy, and ideology, as well as the crumbling of wizarding society. Neville tells Andrew that he's left the Order and the pair discuss scouting out a new potential base of operations before launching into any investigation of retaking the old wizarding places.
Where: the FF-Kirke flat
When: Tuesday, May 5 (backdated)
Rating: PG, maybe

The man stood in front of the door, his fingers folding the corner of the notebook where he'd written the address. This wasn't the kind of place that he had expected Andrew to live - to be honest, when he had thought of it at all, he had pictured smoke and stone. A darkened concrete slab of a building and this place that he stood in front of... well, it wasn't that.

You run scared because you don't understand your opponent and you haven't put an actual face to them. But once you do then you'll know who you need to watch for. You can stop being terrified of everyone who isn't magical and thinking they're all out to kill you. And you can do the bloody British thing with that stiff fucking upper lip and show them you will not bow to them, you will not go quietly into the night. )
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Neville and Nerissa backstory - first meeting [May. 9th, 2009|12:27 pm]
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Who: Neville Longbottom and Nerissa Summerby
What: Meeting
When: Spring 2003
Where: Scotland
Status: Complete
Rating: G

The cry startled Neville as well and notebook and the rest of him went flying as he stumbled, then began to racket down the hill, his stocky body hitting a good portion of the road before he finally remembered to shove his hands out to stop the fall. )
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Owl, heavily warded, from Wiltshire to France [May. 9th, 2009|06:17 pm]


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Met with Law and, unexpectedly, Order. Tentative detente with Order, Law has not committed. Advise improving cooperation with MW.

I miss you fiercely,
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"From the point he gazed from, the choice was made, but 'walk the cave or the shore?'" [May. 9th, 2009|06:18 pm]
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[Current Music |"On the Flip of a Coin" : The Streets]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: A casual visit turns into a discussion of the danger that Phillip is in.
Where: Cambridge, England
When: Saturday, May 9
Rating: PG-13, language, some sexual references

Phil had taken an early train out to Brentwood to rent a motorbike for the weekend. He'd managed to hire a Yamaha XJR1300 for the weekend from the shop in Brentwood. While he'd considered one of the more high end faster bikes, he reckoned Sam would have his head if he had to sit on the back of a crotch rocket for the ride to Liverpool. Hiring it for the weekend, just in case, Phillip drove up in the direction of Cambridge, taking side roads and staying off the motorway. It felt good just to be on a motorbike again. He pulled up outside the pub around half past eight and parked the bike, pulling out some digestives he'd picked up for the ride. A proper meal would be in order at some point, but getting moved to London had made him a bit uneasy.

I will not be at peace till I am rid of that place and those that are being held are freed. )
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Owl, warded, to Z. Smith [May. 9th, 2009|07:23 pm]


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I was quite pleased with your recent broadcast of the statements. Progress is being made with respect to the Ministry and more importantly the Wizengamot. I am cautiously optimistic that they might at last be about to do the right things, with my help.

It might be advantageous for you to use your position to shape opinion in a direction that favors our goals.

Something like an editorial praising the bravery of the rescuers but suggesting that this is the kind of thing that we need professionals to handle. All wizards need to work together, forget differences amongst ourselves because we need to preserve our lives and our way of life here in Britain as Britons.

I'll be working on a little project related to this all weekend, but if you'd like to talk Monday, I'l be at the OWLS lounge midday. There will be some significant news on Monday evening, but we may not be ready to release it just yet.

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05 May 2009 -Wireless [May. 9th, 2009|08:12 pm]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |calm]

News Broadcast at 7 o'clock in the evening on Tuesday 05 May 2009

Dear Witches and Wizards of Britain. We interrupt your evening programming to bring you two exclusive statements. One is from a participant in the rescue this past weekend and the other is from the Ministry. Without further adieu, the statement from the rescuer: )
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A time to break down, and a time to build up [May. 9th, 2009|09:37 pm]


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Where: Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire
Who: Draco and Lucius Malfoy
What: A heartwarming father-son chat
Why: Apparently they need their hearts warmed

There was a tell-tale pop, and the diminutive elf spoke almost immediately. "Master Lucius' complements, Master Draco, and he would like to see you on the South Verandah." Healy, the house-elf, popped out almost as quickly as he had appeared.
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Letter to the Editor, Daily Prophet, May 9, 2009 [May. 9th, 2009|09:57 pm]
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Dear editor:

I have been reading your paper for a few years now but will not be coming back after your columnist's comments today about the WWN. Maybe you didn’t like the broadcast but HUNDREDS of us did. Zacharias Smith was great in the broadcast and has proved that he’s a great journalist. He was not spewing pixie “poo.” What you don’t understand is that he’s waited a long time to find someone who will save these poor wizards. This struggle is what’s causing him so much pain. You are heartless not to appreciate it.

Why do you continue to belligerate this beautiful sensitive person? He is a gentle human being who has captured our hearts with his sweetness. He doesn’t deserve your constant attacks. Please reconsider what you are doing to him. Thanks for your newspaper and I wish you good luck.

Your friend,
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Know when to fold 'em [May. 9th, 2009|11:00 pm]
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Who: Samrat Amarnath and Hermione Granger
When: Monday, 11 May 2009
Where: Samrat's flat
What: Putting their cards on the table.
Rating: Probably PG-13 for Samrat's language.

Know when to walk away and know when to run )
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[May. 9th, 2009|11:13 pm]


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[Current Mood |horny]

Who: Augustus Pye and Morag MacDougal
Where: A gay club in London
When: Late night, May 9, 2009
What: Two classmates bump into each other in the last place they expected.
Rating: Likely R

Hey Mr. DJ )
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...i just want to keep this dream in me - you're losing your memory now... [May. 9th, 2009|11:55 pm]
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[Current Location |Marsden, Gr. Manchester]
[Current Mood |grumpy]
[Current Music |"Losing Your Memory" - Ryan Star]

Who: Neville Longbottom & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Neville shows up a bit too early
When: Sunday afternoon, May 9, 2009
Where: FF-Kirke flat in Marsden, Gr. Manchester
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

Justin came out of the bathroom and headed for the kitchen, scratching at his stomach because there were lines there from the creases in the sheets and they itched. His boxers were hanging low on his hips and the bruises there were pretty obvious, if lightening a bit. He was intent on going for the cereal, since it had to be better for him than whatever was left in the cartons in the fridge.

That was when somebody knocked at the door downstairs. He paused, listened, and heard someone else let them in, so he wasn't too worried. Andrew'd said something about something, but Justin had been mostly asleep, so he could recall the specifics very well. Might've been bacon involved. Breakfast would be nice.

Then there was knocking on his apartment door and that was weird, because Andrew had a key. Frowning, he didn't even bother going for a shirt before he opened the door and squinted outside. "Mary, I swear to God, we gave you a key for a reason - "

Only that definitely wasn't Mary standing outside his door. "The fuck, Longbottom?"
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