What Price? - May 10th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 10th, 2009

Politics and tea [May. 10th, 2009|01:57 am]


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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Neville Longbottom
Where: The parlour of the Old Wizarding Literary Socity
What: Recruiting Longbottom into the inner circle of the founders of the new Wizengamot
Why?: Because Lucius needs supporters and Neville wants to influence things

Lucius had spent the entire morning talking to people, singly and in groups, and the Old Wizarding Literary Society parlour was abuzz with talk he'd instigated, with certain friends.

We don't want to depend on heroics, we want to depend on our ability to self-govern. Now is the moment, be ready to join together to re-form the Wizengamot.

It was a seductive call, especially when uttered in one of the unofficial halls of power to people who had been quite powerful prior to the destruction of the old government.

As you say, this isn't a matter that's going to go before the full Wizengamot unresolved. )
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[May. 10th, 2009|11:41 am]
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Warded Owl to Fleur Weasley )
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Now there's never going to be an intermission. [May. 10th, 2009|02:32 pm]


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[Current Music |Scissor Sisters, "Intermission"]

Who: Charlie Weasley and Cho Chang
What: Lunch, a frisbee, and politics.
Where: Hyde Park
: Sunday, 10 May 2009
Rating: PG to PG-13 for language, like as not. You know what these two are like.

When she saw Charlie, Cho shifted the paper bag containing the sandwiches and drinks from Pret a Manger and waved.

"Once again, I am so sorry for forgetting on Thursday," she said as she approached. "I swear I don't flake out like this all the time; this new book's just being a right bastard and my editor's—well, anyway. I got the sandwiches—and they had Bakewell tarts today, so I picked up some of those too."
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...you were dead as the leaves, now you're new like the springtime... [May. 10th, 2009|09:09 pm]
[Current Location |Isle of Man]
[Current Mood |anxious]
[Current Music |"Time Lapse Lifeline" - Maria Taylor]

Who: Jacqueline, Vida, and Christopher Warrington with appearances by Donovan and Gawain Fawcett-Finnigan
What: Chris tells his daughter that her mother's coming home
When: Friday, May 8, 2009 - noonish (backdated)
Where: Fawcett-Finnigan house, Isle of Man
Rating: G

Look – Gawain’s about to try and storm the castle... )
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[May. 10th, 2009|11:20 pm]
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Who: Andrew Kirke & Neville Longbottom
What: A scouting mission
Where: Fingal's Cave, the Hebrides
When: Sunday evening, 10 May, 2009
Rating: PG-13, because Andrew can't talk without cursing
Status: log; complete

Oh, I wasn't thinking this would be for the entire wizarding population, any road, just the army. )
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