What Price? - May 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 8th, 2009

Email [May. 8th, 2009|12:21 am]


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[Current Location |London]

From: PH <triumphrider@gmail.com>
To: Sam <godthumper@gmail.com>
Date: 07 May 2009 22:48
Subject: tickets scored

Scored tickets to Saturday's game. Everton v Tottenham Hotspur. 1500 at Goodison Park.

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Package delivered to Redbridge House [May. 8th, 2009|09:10 am]


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A small box, approximately six inches on a side, spelled to be opened only by Chris or Astoria, delivered by a very large owl. A note on gilt-edged notepaper is attached:

To the Warrington family,

Welcome home.

With love,
Damon and Juliet Orfanos

When the box is opened, it expands, revealing five sizable parcels: Read more... )
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Owl Post: Juliet Orfanos [May. 8th, 2009|11:36 am]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |contemplative]

Dear Madame Orfanos,

I must first commend you on your excellent conduct in the activities of the past few weeks.

I have a small favour to ask. Do you possibly still know the whereabouts of Fräulein Franziska von Bulow and whether or not she is yet married?

Forgive me if this request is out of place, but the events of the past few weeks have served to remind me of my age and the fact that I am still as of yet unmarried.

Thank you for all your help.


Zacharias I. Smith
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Astoria and Nerissa - Attempting to interrogate [May. 8th, 2009|01:11 pm]
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Who: Astoria Warrington and Nerissa Summerby
What: Interrogating
When: Friday early evening
Where: Hospital in Wales
Status: Closed, Incomplete
Rating: maybe PG?

Because she wasn't entirely sure what sort of soup Astoria preferred, Nerissa had loaded her satchel up with takealong containers of four different varieties, including some more the tomato she'd brought the brunette two nights ago. She also had a cream of celery, a beef stew, and a chicken pasta. The Hit Witch had attempted a lobster bisque as well, but had given it up as a bad job. She'd been having trouble concentrating on cooking since she'd been given the assignment of going to talk to Astoria in an official capacity. It was always awful having to ask official questions of people you admired.

Nerissa knocked on the door to Astoria's room, reminding herself that she had a job to do but that there was no reason she couldn't ask her questions and remain friendly with Astoria. It wasn't as if Astoria had done anything wrong! She wasn't a criminal! The reminder cheered Nerissa when she called out "dinner is served, madam!" and waited for the go-ahead to enter.
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Open Thread to Those Who Want It [May. 8th, 2009|08:25 pm]


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Who: Augustus Pye, Hermione Granger, Meg OB, Phillip Hughes, and whoever is coming to the showing/wandering around
What: Star Trek showing
Where: BFI London IMAX - waiting in line for the midnight showing
When: May 8, 2008, 10PM-ish

After showering and getting a chance to defrag for a few hours after work, Gus had pulled on an appropriately geeky t-shirt and went to the movie theatre early to hold a place in the queue that would inevitably form for the IMAX showing. He figured it would be best as there was no telling how large their group would end up being let alone when most of them would get there. Having a place relatively close to the front of the queue would help them all sit together if it did turn out to be a large group. He wasn't that surprised to see that there were already a few people queued up in the designated waiting area and after taking a glance around to see if anyone happened to be there already, he took his place in line, sitting down behind a group in somewhat accurate costumes and pulling out a copy of Silvertongue to read.
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Muggle Post: Neville Longbottom [May. 8th, 2009|09:48 pm]


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Delivery to 11 Hollydown Way, London )
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