What Price? - May 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 7th, 2009

Backstory: Gus and Neville [May. 7th, 2009|02:26 am]


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[Current Mood |amused]

Who: Augustus Pye and Neville Longbottom
When: Late March, 2009, a few days after Andrew shot Neville
Where: Random street ending in Gus' flat in Chelsea
What: Gus stumbles across a patient on the street and takes that time to make

I've known a couple of unicorns I'd liked to have driven into the sea. )
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Marcus Solo -- In the Lab [May. 7th, 2009|05:16 pm]

Who: Marcus
When: Thursday, May 7th
Where: Belby Estate, Oxford
What: A bit of a mess

A means of obscuring, of confusion, of hiding in false smoke and fire. Of being safe. )
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Backstory: Theo and Juliet [May. 7th, 2009|05:25 pm]


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[Current Mood |calm]

WHO: Theo Nott and Juliet Orfanos
WHEN: Mid-February, 2009
WHERE: Juliet's office at the Museum.
WHAT: Theo and Juliet mutually size each other up.

He turned the small object over in his hands, but there was no uncertainty on his face as he tapped on the jamb of the open door. Uncertainty was what got people caught, after all, and the ostensible purpose of his visit was legitimate, in case he needed more to armour himself with.

Identifying the pieces on the chessboard, are we? )
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"You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow..." [May. 7th, 2009|06:53 pm]
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[Current Music |"Put Your Records On" : Corinne Bailey Rae]

Who:Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom
What: A random visit.
Where: Neville's flat in wizarding London
When: early, early morning, May 7
Rating: PG for language, I'd think

Neville's eyes were slowly closing as he listened to the sound of the phonograph scratching record, the distant songs of a world he'd never known repeating endlessly into the darkness. The blanket was tugged up over his tired shoulders and he burrowed further down against the pillow as he tried to forget the cares of the day, inhaling slowly and focusing on the strains of foreign instruments, imagining what each one might look like behind his eyelids.

Then he heard it - the crack.

With a start, his body jolted up, fingers fumbling for the wand under the bed, grabbing it and pointing it upwards as he jumped out of bed. Then he stopped. "Oh. Seamus. It's you." Then he blinked the sleep out of his eyes. "Aye - what in Circe's name are you doing here? Have you even got any idea what time it is?"
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The Scottish evidence [May. 7th, 2009|08:00 pm]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Morag MacDougal
What: Adrian's second not-date with a beautiful woman to discuss exploiting the contents of the Seeker's logbook
When: Thursday morning, 7 May
Where: A cafe in London where Morag and Adrian meet to discuss business

Honestly, one should not get on a boat if one does not consider the possibility of drowning. )
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...playtime for the young and rich, ignore me if you see cause i just don't give a shit... [May. 7th, 2009|08:18 pm]
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[Current Location |Camden, London]
[Current Mood |productive]
[Current Music |"The City Is At War" - Cobra Starship]

Who: Romilda Vane, Augustus Pye, & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: An unexpected visit followed by some unexpected events
When: May 7, 2009, mid-day
Where: Romilda's shiny new flat in Camden, London
Rating: R

Justin checked his bag one last time to make sure that he'd stuck everything of importance in it - there was a coffee table and an end table, a stand for a TV, a set of dresser drawers, and a nightstand as well as sheets and a few interesting odds and ends. Like a cover for the couch that was currently sitting in the living room of Romilda's new flat. He'd also managed to get his hands on a mirror, which he felt pretty lucky about. After shrinking everything, he'd wrapped the mirror in bubble-wrap, since it'd suck to get there only to find it broken in half.

There was also a cooler of food duct taped shut that he'd squeezed into the bag, glad he hadn't had to shrink that. Nerissa was sort of amazing when it came to making food and he didn't want any of it to go to waste.

He'd considered getting a rug, but since most of the flat was carpeted anyway, he'd decided against it. Checking the time to make sure there was still plenty of it, Justin patted himself down for his wand and then Disapparated. He popped up in a corner of the living room and looked around. It didn't seem all that different from when he'd left the last time, though the flowers in the kitchen seemed a little wilted.

Justin just shrugged, though, and pulled his bag strap off over his head, calling, "Romilda?"
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[May. 7th, 2009|10:21 pm]
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Who:Augustus Pye and Neville Longbottom
What: Gus did Nev a favor - now it's payback time.
Where: a London jazz club
When: Thursday, May 7, 8 pm
Rating: TBD

His ears pricked when he walked in the door, the soft sound of trumpet soaring in the background. It reminded him of the old albums that his grandfather had once played in his childhood while his grandparents danced, his small body sneaking out of bed to peek behind the door. There was nothing but warmth in the sound to Neville, despite its lonely tone, and he smiled a soft and secretive smile to himself as he stumbled towards the bar, too lost in the music to notice where he was going.
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Memorandum: Top Secret Clearance, MI7 staff (all) [May. 7th, 2009|11:10 pm]


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TO: Section Heads;
CC: ALL-MI7(IRS Britain Actives);
FROM: burbageg;
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Security Audit Results

As a result of our preliminary internal security audit following the activities of the past week-end, we are temporarily moving most non-operational personnel to the new Headquarters facilities in London. We are aware that the building is still under construction but our areas are primarily done and this will allow us to provide for your security and promote the continuity of your work.

Section Heads are responsible for creating move schedules, but due to the nature of the move, it is imperative that it be executed quickly for the safety of all of our personnel.

Please see your Section Head to arrange for the transport of volatile or delicate materials from your research area. If this move will cause you hardship, please see your Section Head. Billeting will be provided in the former hotel on-site for those who do not have residences in the Greater London Area.

The memorial service for Field Agent Peter Alan Carnegie, who was murdered aboard HMS Seeker, will be in the new facilities on Wednesday. Field Agents are authorized to travel to HQ for the services. His murder is another example of the reason we are fighting against the terrorists, who are a threat to our British way of life.

G. Burbage, Director, Intelligence Research Service
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