What Price? - May 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 6th, 2009

...we're high above the ground - we're nowhere to be found - powered by adrenalin... [May. 6th, 2009|04:05 pm]
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[Current Location |Knightsbridge, London]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |"Damn Regret" - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus]

Who: Adrian Pucey & Christopher Warrington
What: First real talk after the rescue
When: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - morning
Where: Adrian's townhouse, Knightsbridge
Rating: PG-ish?

Chris made sure Astoria was as comfortable as she could be, given her surroundings and the fact that her cough wasn't entirely gone, then let Jac shoo him from the room. Charms and spells were all well and good, she'd said, but he'd probably permanently dislocated a vertebrae sleeping in the hospital chair so much. He'd argued with her, since it wasn't as though he smelled, but she's essentially shoved him outside anyway.

When he peeked back into the room, Jac was already perched on the edge of the bed her hands moving as she spoke. He couldn't hear the words, though, and he was reluctant to leave, but lurking in the hallway was hardly accomplishing anything. It was best, he decided to simply get this over with quickly.

Disapparating, he popped into the room he'd been using at Adrian's townhouse. He should have gone to the house in Redbridge, but all of his things were at Ade's and he wanted to speak to his friend, anyway - if he was in. They'd not really spoken since the rescue, after all, and those journal exchanges from a few days ago had him worried.

Chris didn't bother with bathing just yet, heading downstairs instead and calling for his friend by way of announcing himself.
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I'm not a gangster tonight; don't want to be a bad guy. [May. 6th, 2009|04:30 pm]


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[Current Music |Scissor Sisters, "I Can't Decide"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, Gavrail Iliev, and NPCs Markos Kapranos, Mikhail Onopko, and Arkadiy Kusnetsov
What: In which Juliet has negotiations with the vory v zakone, and Gavrail gains a unexpected ally.
Where: A suite at the Landmark Hotel in Marylebone.
When: Evening of Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Rating: PG-13 for the general sliminess of the Russians and discussions of the uses to which they put Gavrail.

Well, in for a knut, in for a sickle, as the saying went; if things went bad, she could always Obliviate him. )
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Patronus to A. Pye [May. 6th, 2009|06:31 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |working]
[Current Music |"Honestly" - Cartel]

Patronus to A. Pye )
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[May. 6th, 2009|07:01 pm]


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[Current Mood |indifferent]

Who: Augustus Pye and Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Meeting to discuss paperwork due after Justin sends him a note by Patronus
When: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 6:30pm
Where: By the Peter Pan statue in Hyde Park

Gus felt a little odd walking down the familiar paths to the statue in Hyde Park while still in his work clothes. Walks in the park always meant jeans, a t-shirt, and whatever appropriate jacket was required, not a button down shirt, tie, and slacks. But then most walks in the park also were for pleasure, not business like this was. Coming up to the statue, he spotted the man who had sent him the message and took a deep breath to prepare himself. If the paperwork weren't so important, he would have likely just ignored the message, but whatever they could get to cover their backsides, especially now, would be good.

"Hello Michael," he said civilly as he approached the man. "What's up?"
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"For four fortnights I have fled from my fortress..." [May. 6th, 2009|07:52 pm]
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[Current Music |"Mental Health Waltz" : Andrew Jackson Jihad]

Who:Adrian Pucey and Neville Longbottom
What: Adrian told Neville that he knew something about Gavrail. Nev's too curious not to follow up on it.
Where: the clinic
When: May 6, 2009, lunch
Rating: G likely?

Neville knocked quietly on the door and waited for Adrian to answer. He'd taken the time to bring lunch for the two of them in case the other man had been unable - his fingers clutched a heavy brown shopping bag with containers of soup inside. He'd managed the muggle transaction well, he thought as he hefted the bag up under his arm, although he still hadn't worked out exactly what the silverware she'd given him was made of.
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Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around.. [May. 6th, 2009|11:56 pm]


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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |confused]

Who: Sam & Phil
When: Monday 2 May 2009, around 3am
Where: Sam's flat
What: Phil needs to confess to someone, who better than his best friend?
Rating: It's Sam - PG-13

It's not like I'm some sort of hooker )

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