October 17th, 2013

[info]crisis_mods in [info]we_connect

Ask Anything

The rules of this game are simple. Each character can ask a question of as many other characters as they'd like. The catch is that everyone has to answer honestly. This is open to all games and questions are not limited to simply asking characters in your home game. And yes, this means that duplicate characters are welcome to ask their alternate selves questions too.

As always, what happens in we_connect stays in we_connect unless all involved parties choose to make it canon (game crossover questions not up for canon at the moment though. sorry!)

EDIT: To make things simpler, comment below if you'd like your character to be subjected to questions they have to answer. This should make things easier to sort through. And if your character wants to ask a question of someone who hasn't jumped in, ask their player to join in.