October 16th, 2013

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_connect


We would like to take a moment to remind you to NOT rely on notifications for your tags. They are borked everywhere. You may be getting tags for your character on one thread but not another. Please, please, for the sake of the people you're playing with, find another way.

You can make a HTML list in a journal of


you owe, and check it regularly.

You can also make a tabs folder in your browser and store all the links to your open logs there, giving you the ability to spring your own personal tag trap at any time.

You can go through the games by hand and look for things you know you are working on, which also gives you the opportunity to see what other people are doing and ALSO see if there might be open logs you can reply to! More rp!

But please, please, do not rely on notifications.