December 23rd, 2008

[info]i_regenerate in [info]we_connect

Hey guys. Amber again.

This time I'm bringing you Claire Bennet from Heroes. She comes in just after the last episode and is open to all sorts of plot. She's an indestructible cheerleader so...that's fun, right? I promise she won't be as whiny as on the show.

If you wanna plot, hit me up at ellectroshocking on AIM or for email.

Thanks guys!

[info]i_smash in [info]we_connect

We've got that de-zombifying hulk thread open right here, if you want to jump in and finish that off.

[info]i_diedtwice in [info]we_connect

Wanted: Personal Superhero Trainer

Cue: Eye of the Tiger music!

So most of Buffy's training has come from some stuffy old guy saying things like "the pointy end of the stake goes in the heart area. missed? oh well, you better try again OR DIE." The girl has natural talent and raw power, but the problem is ... it's still very raw. Really with any slayer its a marvel they live past two years. Actually most don't.

I was hoping some/one of the new super hero types with the years of intense martial arts training and whatnot would be willing to take her aside and go, "Okay... um... you got the smashing part down now let's try this..." Just because most demons and vampires don't require a whole lot more than enthusiastic smashing doesn't mean a new training regimen wouldn't hurt.