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April 9th, 2015

[info]i_cast in [info]we_coexist

When two become one, or was that three? (Erics)

The night had come. She wasn't nervous or upset. She hadn't minded that the two Vikings had found some solace or enjoyment in each other's arms. Oddly she felt it was to be expected. She hadn't even minded that she hadn't been asked to come and play; she would have been happy to, but it was neither here nor there. If it had been someone else, her feelings might have been different, depending on the time, place, and person.

So, there the crone sat on a bed she'd shared with her husband long ago before he was her husband. Before they'd taken to living together. Before a good bit. She looked around the dark room, meant to keep him save from the sun outside. Her blood now did that.

She hadn't dressed up for the night. She hadn't brought them dinner, or tried to set a mood. She'd simply made her way to the room and sat on the bed to wait. It wasn't that she felt she had to do anything, nor did she seem to be waiting to out the other woman, or man. She just waited patiently to see how the night would go. To see what might happen because anything could and possibly would happen.

The crone shifted a little, feeling oddly restless. That was perhaps the only thing that distracted her from what enjoyment she sought here. Things were changing again in the City; balance or chaos was soon to come. Or both, knowing this place.

So, she waited to see what was going to happen.