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June 8th, 2013

[info]cyberpath in [info]we_coexist

All work and no play (Tony)

Annie was exhausted.

There had been an idea brewing in her head for a while, taking up all of her thoughts. Even when she was at Fixit she was really not all there. Her brain hovered around the idea when she was talking with other people, danced around it when she was trying to sleep. Finally, she had gathered what she needed in order to make it a reality, and had set about the task of seeing the idea to fruition.

She had been up for days working on the schematics and hammering out some last kinks. Building was about to begin, she was just on the edge of it. But she'd already run herself ragged. She'd tried a few different energy drinks, high octane energy bars that tasted like cardboard, and even attempted a few exercise machines to get her blood pumping.

In the end though, she wound up sitting on a stool, bent over onto her arms at one of the work tables, sound asleep. There was a screwdriver in one hand, precariously close to poking her in the face. One wrong move and she'd likely jolt awake because of the scrape of metal. She'd so wanted to start the actual work on the idea, and here she was, slumbering instead.

Jarvis had dimmed the lights of the room and started some low, soothing music. He'd ushered the arms out of the workspace so that they wouldn't inadvertently wake Annie somehow. It was a toss up on if she would have been thankful or mad if she knew. That driven part of her had told Jarvis to keep her up and had asked him to provide the names of those drinks and pseudo-foods she'd had earlier. But the rational part of her had been telling her she needed rest, and the idea would still be there after.