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March 6th, 2013

[info]i_figure in [info]we_coexist

Can you help me? (Jesse)

Fred ignored the looks she got from some of the patrons who were still in the Library, or were they just arriving? The lack of sun was really playing havoc with her inner clock, but she supposed that was bound to happen. The fact that she'd spent time in the hospital with a strange schedule didn't help. She had decided to give in and listen to what her body said, even if it meant possibly going to bed only a few hours after waking. She read once that someone had made a good life of four on and four off type situation, or maybe she'd seen it in a movie. She wasn't sure.

She quickly washed her hands, enough to get to the phone. It was strange having it. She hadnt' had one before; tech always seemed to disappear when she tried to get it. Now, she had an amazing phone that could do so much. Jack had been nice enough to explain how it worked, or at least how to get to help. She'd found it fascinating, and it did keep her still for a little while.

Now, she was using it for a very serious reason as she continued to wash up in the Library's bathroom.

"Yes, there was an attack. No, no, I'm not hurt." She didn't know if she was or wasn't. She was going to say she wasn't for now. Her head did hurt a little; she believed she might have banged it somewhere along the way. "I'm fine. But, an officer is down. Her name's..." Fred didn't blank on the name, at least not the first part. She didn't know the woman's last name. "I don't know her last name." Her voice was shaky, and she had to swallow against the tears. Someone had died to save her.

"Caroline's her first name. She's dead." Fred gave what information she could before she reached up with a wet hand to end the call. She wasn't thinking, and sent the phone into the sink. A soft gasp escaped shortly before the sobs. She felt guilt, sadness, and a fear that refused to be named. It wasn't that she could have died; she'd been faced with that many times. It was something else. Somewhere inside, she asked whatever Power That Be who that was listening to send her help. She needed it. She was happy that Jack and Dinah existed, but she felt so very lost and alone again. So very confused.