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May 17th, 2008

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_coexist

Namesake (Open to all Jacks)

One big glorious fancy room, filled with flowers and sparkling chandeliers. A big buffet table filled with so much food it looked as if the table would crack, spilling everything everywhere. The long bar ran the entirety of one wall, and looked as if it had pretty much everything anybody could possibly ever want set up against a mirror.

It was clear that the City expected a fairly big turn out.

All the tables had note cards on them, and each note card sat in front of a chair. Each had writing scrawled on it, but only one word "Jack". No designation of which Jack should sit where.


[info]i_consume in [info]we_coexist

Continued therapy (Jo)

Continued from here

"A map." Hannibal mused. He stood up and went to the pile of mail he'd left here some time ago. There was a map in that. "I don't know what good it will do you."

He set it down on the table next to the girl. "Most of the places move. But there are some that don't. And those are here on this map. It's good that you're already feeling a sense of familiarity. But don't push on it too hard, lest you lose it."

Hannibal took his seat and sat back again, waiting for a sign that she was ready to continue. They'd go at her pace, of course. He didn't want to break her, but help her. Maybe he'd regret this, he had no idea. He didn't know who she was or what she did. But the challenge was too much to ignore.

He stole a quick look at her notepad, instantly forming a memory of the names there. None of them were anything he recognized. But they'd be good to keep a hold of anyway, just in case.

"I think it's safe to say that if you're here now, you've been here a while. Maybe the sense of before that you have isn't that you left and came back, it's that perhaps you've been unknowing of your self for so long it just feels like another lifetime. Does that make sense?"

[info]i_care in [info]we_coexist

Needles and Concussions (Simon)

She was changing. Cameron had to accept that just as much as the next person. She was changing because of the people around her. While she valued their opinions, and their company, she never thought she'd change for them. She'd gotten colder. She was acting withdrawn more often. She only focused on work. Which was what was going on right now. House had decided to try and stick one of his clinic patients with a needle to 'calm him down'. The patient hadn't liked it much and was apparently delusional as well. Because they were all chasing the man around the hospital. Chase took down one corridor, Foreman another. She was suppose to check the labs. How he would have gotten in there was beyond her.

"I should be doing something valuable with my time, like trying to cure some rare disease. Not chasing someone House probably drove insane around the hospital." Said to no one in particular as the lab was empty. No one there. This was ridiculous. Cameron turned the corner and opened one of the janitorial closets, out popped the patient who had a hold of the original needle House must have had. He jabbed it right into Cameron's arm with a laugh and took off down the corridor.

"...just great." She slumped into the closet,hand on the door still. As she fell forward she grabbed the handle to catch herself. Slammed the door shut on herself and slammed into the floor. Everything went blurry because of the needle, because of hitting her head. She needed a raise.

Hours rolled by. )