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February 2nd, 2008

[info]i_execute in [info]we_coexist

Give me miles and miles of mountains and I'll ask for the sea

[Open for Selina/Catwoman and ?]

Once again, Anita took herself to the streets of the City.

Figures. She had started to get a toehold on the way this place worked, and the world shook itself into pieces again. Literally, in this case. When she looked out her window, she didn't see any of the streets that had started to become familiar to her. She saw chaos slowly forming itself into...something. Damn tired of this, she muttered inside her head. First, she got thrown into this freaking hole without so much as a cool Star Trek beam-me-up or anything. Then, the streets start moving. Then, once she gets a job and gets laid, the whole freaking place heaves like a pregnant teen with really bad morning sickness. Lost the guy, can't find the police station yet. At least she still had her apartment. There were even new, fancy electronics. A nice home theater system and a new tiny laptop. Hell, it could fit in her purse - if she ever remembered to take it with her. Usually she just stuck her keys in one pocket, her phone in another, and stalked off. Which was what she had done tonight.

She wasn't stupid, though. She kept a watchful eye on the streets she passed, and ear open for unfamiliar sounds. No telling what lowlifes were going to try and take advantage of the City's slowly-shrinking chaos...and the tiny woman making her way through it. Luckily, she had skills at her disposal that could make their lives rather uncomfortable..or non-existent. That always put an extra spring in one's step, the power over death. Not that she was boasting or anything, just a fact. Living people, there was less she could do. But she was far from helpless.

A sudden noise caught her attention, but she was careful to control her first instinct...which was to whip her head around and her gun out. Didn't want to scare whoever it was off before she had a chance to ask some questions. Maybe they weren't even out for her, just...passing through. You never knew.

Bending over to "fix" the laces on her boot, Anita scanned the alley as best she could in the dark. Just because she didn't see anyone didn't mean they weren't around, somewhere...