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July 5th, 2012


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I did not find Helena nor her child. All I found was that bitch of a guard dog Myka.

July 4th, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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All these pretty little gifts from home. Don't you dare think I won't find a use for mine.
Opened up a whole new realm of ideas. Missing something. Or...I don't know someone!

Some of us don't need to hide in the shadows.

Love, It's nice, its good but its not the only thing. It's never going to be the...


Don't you forget our date with destiny. Don't get too bogged down in the details. They're out there Sherlock, just waiting to give you the answers you need, just waiting for you to find me.

Do you remember how scared they always look, riight before the clock hits zero. It's just gorgeous. And yes yes, done it before but it leads to a whole different game. Believe me darling


Helena Wells child. Do you think she'd know the difference? Because my dear, I'm calling in my favour.


My dear little mouse. I'm going to need you to play the role of a lifetime. Do you think that you're ready?


You know its not going to be just us until he's gone don't you? Until I can put it out of my head and show him that I can win.

That I always win.

I need you with me, fairytale.

July 2nd, 2012


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Now that I have settled in, I have acquired a new home with all the comforts of Rome. Well, as close to the comforts of Rome as one can get in this place. You are more than welcome to stay with me if you wish to. There is plenty of room.

And Roman baths.

June 26th, 2012

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Anyone else bored or is that just me...?

June 12th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, the Master, Romana

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A little banged up but hey, no more plastic trying to kill people.

As promised, I'm alive and well.

I was thinking maybe sometime today or tomorrow we can get your computer replaced, yeah?

June 4th, 2012

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I have come to one conclusion in my week and change here: Logic escapes this place entirely, and I don't like that at all.

And in other news: I suppose a proper introduction may be in order. You can call me House and...I suppose if any cases that are on the not-boring side hit the med bay here at the complex, I could potentially lend a hand. I was head of diagnostics at the hospital I was previously avoiding like the plague employed with, so I'm sure there will be a use for that kind of knowledge every now and then.

May 26th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Shorty (Astor)

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So...that kid Astor asked to stay with me I guess because she feels more comfortable given we've talked. I suppose I can give it my best shot, though I might ask for help...

This will probably mean no more coming over anytime you want. I hope you don't mind?

I've never taken care of anything before and...I'm pretty much, as they say here, freaking out. What if I do something wrong or hurt her?

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Waking up in Kansas was not what I expected after an oxycodone and bourbon cocktail. I wasn't expecting to wake up at all. Not that waking up in strange places is completely unheard of for me, but Kansas, really? Even in a drug and alcohol induced haze, I don't think I'd make such a ridiculous life decision, which is why I've decided the most likely situation is, I'm hallucinating, but the delusional coffehouse girl says all my answers will be found here. I doubt it, but I have nothing better to do, I mean, who does? It's Kansas. So here I am.

May 25th, 2012


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I hope you do not mind my asking, but curiosity has gotten the better of me. Why do people filter against you? It seems quite rude to me.

Speaking of manners, forgive me, my name is Gaia.

May 19th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty

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It was nice to get away for a few days and wander that Yellowstone Park/forest. But it's equally nice to be back and have indoor plumbing and access to a hot shower.


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I know I've said thank you for helping me when I first arrived, but I don't believe I've said thank you or that I enjoyed the talk we had in your room after said help. We should have another discussion like that sometime soon.

May 18th, 2012


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are you feeling as restless as I am?

[Edit filter added later to Gaia]
You've been here a while haven't you, know any good fishing spots?

Filtered Against Evil ++

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I need a new hobby or something. I miss Needy At least when I worked at the bar there were some interesting days that kept me busy. ALSO, I am in the market for a new BFF, I will take applications now, kthnx. Apply here!

Plus it was always funny to laugh at the idiots. No, really, it was.

What's a good hobby to take up? All my ideas are probably not good options, really.

[Text to Thor]
> I don't think he's acting funny, but I think that he's bothered by the new movie.
>> He's sad and I think there's something going on with him not seeing he's different.
>>> Or something. It's hard to tell with him.
>>>> I know he's upset, though.

May 17th, 2012

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Happy to see me?

May 15th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty

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Finally made it out to this Yellowstone place. It reminds me a bit of Kashyyyk. And it's pretty peaceful, which is a nice change.

Thank you again for that incredible night.

May 13th, 2012

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The temples here are confusing. You people hold to so few gods. And it seems the followers of Eli have grown.

I really should get to work on that

May 10th, 2012

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Ego requiro scio voluntas illae. Iam

(I demand to know the meaning of this. Now)

May 9th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Jupiter's fucking cock, I am one of those fictional people as well?
Should I even dare to see this television series?

I must say, the fashions of this age are breath-taking. Though the styles could use a little more Roman detail. There must be a way to obtain some coin here. I am in need of redecorating.


I do not wish to impose upon your generosity, but is it too much to ask for another supply of opium and cocaine? I still have some, but I do not wish to run out of opium and need to wait to get it again.

May 4th, 2012

Filtered against evils

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So after spending all day yesterday and the previous night poking at this computer thing, I think i have basics down

Strange device and I hope it works. But greetings to all, I have recently arrived in this city and will do whatever I can to help stop this apocalypse thing. It is...definitely a far cry from the world I was taken from.

I am Hercules.

Thank you for your help when I arrived here. If I can ever return the favor, let me know.

May 3rd, 2012

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asdfkjghasdfljkhgasdfggasdffffffffffffee1`αυτό που είναι αυτό το καμμένος τέρας εγώ μην καταλάβετε

[ooc: asdfkjghasdfljkhgasdfggasdffffffffffffee1` because computer default is not ancient greek. Greek Translation: what is this glowing monster, I do not understand.]
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