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April 8th, 2010

Multi- filter

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(posting correctly now)

[Those present at last night's training session:]

You all did rather well, given your skill levels and abilities. Just remember the things that were discussed last night, and keep up with your training activities.

[Filtered to Buffy:]

It felt rather like old times, didn't it? Can I venture to say it brought back a lot of memories? In a way, it felt quite good, even though only a few of us from home were there.

[Seeley Booth:]

I spoke to you on the comms, but it was still quite interesting seeing you in person last night. It's remarkable how many of us have doppelgangers from other worlds, people that look so much like us.

April 6th, 2010

Good guy filter

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I just realized I suck at taking a break. So this is me signing offline for a couple of days. Reach me by comm if theirs anything important.

April 4th, 2010

Filtered Against the Evil Intentioned

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I was curious about the process of taking a permit exam. I imagine that the people proctoring the exam would look much more closely at my papers than then my employer at the library. Unless there is a way to bypass the exam, I would like to take it, in order to be properly qualified to learn how to drive.

Edit: I was wondering if someone could take the time to teach me how to drive. Please.

April 1st, 2010

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Does this sort of shit happen often around here?

March 30th, 2010

Filtered to Apartment Heads, Combat Squads, Magic Squads, Off site back ups

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Apparently Glory has something of mine, or that use to be mine. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but when they actually say that to me it's usually true. I think Spike got kidnapped. Again

I just temporarily invested in a shiny weapon. So we're leaving. Anyone with magic. I want a location on Glory. I don't care if you have to all work together to form one massive spell of insanity, find her. And then anyone who wants in? We're leaving.

March 29th, 2010

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Does anyone know where I can at least get some sea salt ice cream around here?

March 27th, 2010

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Huh. So this world actually has a tech setup for those of us from other places. Different than what I'm used to, but hey, seems more convenient than having to run back and forth between everyone. Now that got to be a pain in the ass.

So tell me. Anyone see a hyperactive, overly optimistic, spiky-haired kid running around here? Possibly wacking things in the head with a big key?
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