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War Is Coming Communications.



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September 7th, 2012

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So, movie night. This is happening. Saturday nights, 8:30-9:00 work for everybody? My place. Starting this weekend...who's in?

Sheldon, you're coming and it's not negotiable. Don't argue. Penny & I will gang up on you. ETA: Oliver, this is also true for you. Just saying.

In other news:

Lois— Do you have anything black and strappy in the sandal department?
Steph— What's the word on paintball? Anything new?
Harry, Rory, and Danielle— Um...I miss you guys.
Jess— You realize that this invitation extends to you and Pete, right?
Jason— I'll cry a little if we don't go to the dog park soon...this really needs to happen.

Come stay the night...?

Did you guys ever go out? Details. COME ON.

September 6th, 2012

filtered to Connor Temple

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Hey. So, you don't know me but Kim mentioned your name and suggested I get in touch with you for...certain paper type things. Are you around and could you help a gal out?

Filtered to the Patrol Team

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For the record, if there's anyone who's on the team who doesn't want to be, you're not being held hostage. If you want to be here, that's great. If you don't, that's fine. I don't think having two teams is a bad idea; in fact, I suggested this to someone a few weeks ago and was told that it was a bad idea because then teams would be "popping up all over the place and nothing gets done because you're too busy dividing up the city and marking your territories." Apparently it was just a bad idea at the time because I was the one who suggested it, but now it's a fantastic idea because someone else suggested it. O-kay.

Honestly, I'm personally not that territorial or threatened by the idea of two teams protecting the city. We're all on the same side here.

So if anyone here would rather be on Dick's team, I'm not going to hold a grudge. And people call me dramatic.

[Filtered to everyone else friends, filters against evil and Katherine]

I'm fine. Please ignore my last post. I was on pain killers.

[Text to Penny]

Still on for lunch?

filtered against evil

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i thik i need to paint the ciling.

September 4th, 2012

Filtered to friends*

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Guys...movie night should be a thing. An every week thing. Why is this not a thing yet?

[ooc: *basically the usual suspects, just add in Sheldon and Penny. If you're not sure, feel free to ask :)]

September 2nd, 2012

Filtered against Evil

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I swear to God, when I find out who slipped me a roofie and dragged me -- unconscious -- all the way to freaking Kansas, heads will roll!

Reluctantly Filtered Against Evil After the Blonde Who Reminds Me of Penny Asked Me To

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Well, since I can't seem to get a hold of Leonard, you people should be happy to learn that I, Sheldon Cooper, PhD., have managed to invent an amazing teleportation device, which is why you're currently blessed with my presence. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and as soon as it's past Penny's 'don't wake me before 11 a.m.' rule, I'll be leaving you once more.
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