War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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July 3rd, 2015

network post: rose hathaway

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This week has sucked pretty epically. We've lost a lot of people. Most of us have lost our homes and the majority of our belongings, if not all of them. I probably came out of this luckier than most, but it still sucks. We have a lot to mourn for.

But - and this is probably going to piss some people off - we have a lot to be grateful for, too. This week has sucked, but it could have been so much worse. We'll band together. We'll rebuild. We'll keep living, because that's what you do, even when things get bad.

Now, I know you probably don't feel like celebrating right now, but I think we should. I think we should celebrate the fact that we're still alive and that the world didn't end. Regina and I were planning a BBQ for tomorrow, anyway, and we're still going to do it. It'll be at my cabin, the one near the graveyard, and yeah, it's not quite as awesome as the house was, but there'll be good food, there'll be plenty to drink and most importantly, there'll be good company.

Tomorrow afternoon, starting around 1. You're all invited. Once the sun goes down, there'll even be a cool light show.

June 30th, 2015

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Kriff filters.

Ben. Mara. Check in.

Someone look after the twins. I can start moving debris.

Skye. With what you do, Can you help me? Don't need maybes. Yes or no.

Anyone else useful to this get to Sanctuary or Greaves.

June 21st, 2015

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[Jim Kirk]
You know, things don't have to be weird at work.
[Jacen Solo]

June 16th, 2015

(emotions plot with Flirty!Kirk) 21+ Filter

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You know, not that it's an especially bad thing to have a good reputation in this town, but I miss the days when I actually had fun. Went out, had drinks, flirted. Maybe fell into bed with a pretty woman or two at the end of the night.

Anyone want to have a few drinks and see if my charm has abandoned me?

June 14th, 2015

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Before Ollie was sent home, we were planning a charity event at Verdant. A big part of that was a kind of date auction, but I seem to have lost most of my volunteers, so... if you're willing to have a few hours of your company auctioned off for a good cause, please let me know.

I miss him

June 8th, 2015

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Since I don't have anyone to look for, if you need to get a message to someone you can leave it here and I'll do my best.

June 4th, 2015

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The great thing about living in Lawrence is that when you overhear someone saying - and I quote - "oh my god, I feel like I just ate 6 babies" you don't actually know if they mean that literally.

Then again, I guess the same could be said for Mystic Falls.

May 26th, 2015

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I can't fucking win, can I? I can't actually have a chance at being happy with someone, can I?

I'm going out of town for a while. Road trip. Don't know when I'll be back.


I'll make it a point to be back before the summer stuff really kicks into gear at the Center, but I think you can handle stuff right now. I just need to get the hell out of Lawrence for a while. Ginny got taken back and I'm not going to handle that well if I'm here.


Hey, when you get done with the hunting gig, message me or text me. I'm going out with my bike and I'm going to see how far I can go before I stop hating the Seal. I probably won't be in Kansas whenever you're done.

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Hey you. What are you doing?

May 15th, 2015

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Fucking angels. Go team evil

[once Georgina was off the planet, she was done]

May 13th, 2015

Plot filter: Starfleet (Voice Comm)

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(Backdated to after this)

Lieutenant Commander Harvelle, are you in range to beam us up?

Oh and Capatin Kincaid has denied permission to say I told you so. Repeat, permission to say I told you so has been denied.

May 10th, 2015

Plot flter: Starfleet

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This is so stupid. I hate Star Trek.

Damnit, Kincaid, I'm a doctor, not a barista!

May 7th, 2015

plot filter: Starfleet

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Captain's Log; Stardate....I really don't know. 42?

We've come across an unusual planet and I went down with the away team for first contact. I haven't been able to reach the ship in the past two hours, but I'm getting by thanks to the wonders of caffeine. I'm considering introducing the leader to white chocolate mochas.

This is how the monologue thing works, right Kirk?

May 3rd, 2015

Plot filter: Starfleet crew

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Jo... er, Lieutenant Commander Harvelle, should this thing be beeping like this?

Captain Kincaid, there's a beeping thing down here.

April 5th, 2015

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Is there anyone who didn't get an egg?

April 4th, 2015

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I set my jacket on fire.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Kenzi, you are a perfectly sane, yet adorable, individual. Why in the world would you go around setting things that you absolutely love aflame?"

1. I'm adorable? Aw, flatters.
2. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't pick up matches. I didn't throw them at clothes. I did not, in any way, trash my one of a kind, personally altered leather jacket just because I felt like channeling my inner pyro by setting fires to feel joy. No. Nyet. Nah-uh. Not me. What I did do was reach for it before the flames of frickin' jacket ruining hell SPAWNED from MY HANDS and LANDED ON MY BABY.

She was innocent. She was young. She did not, in any way, sign up for this.

April 3rd, 2015

No dick bag angels or demons.

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Lolololol )

March 28th, 2015

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For those of you who knew him, Hale is gone.

[ooc: Lost Girl peeps, please assume Bo found you and told you in person before this post]

( Kenzi )
I know I said it already, but I am so, so sorry, Kenz.

March 26th, 2015

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Sometimes I don't think being good is worth even tryi

[Jim Kirk]
Anything I can do to help?

March 25th, 2015

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For those who knew him, Seth was sent home.
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