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War Is Coming Communications.



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December 12th, 2011

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Okay, I've decided. I'm hallucinating. It's really the only explanation. And it would make sense and then this wouldn't be the first time and I've just magically made up the last few weeks in my head. Yep. This works for me.

Or, if I haven't, this is some trick of Regina's. And I wouldn't put it past her. Are you reading this, Madam Mayor? Did you have me drugged and dragged here? Bet you did. That one makes sense, too. And, since I'm on the subject, where is 'here', anyway? All signs point to BFE.

Well, technically, 'here' is an internet cafe. But that's the specific and not the general. Yeah.

December 11th, 2011

filtered against bad guys

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You know, I've never been the kind of girl to turn down a free vacation complete with all expenses paid lodging. That's especially true when it's a vacation far, far away from sith, imps, jedi, and the mess you make when you stir them all together. I could do without the war or the absence of any transport other than these karking ground-hugging things or the fact that you people have such a limited selection of skin tones(though that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the spell Mel, it's holding up real well), but I get the feeling the complaints department has closed shop.

Anyway, I'm Deliah Blue. If anyone's seen a Cade Skywalker or Jariah Syn let me know. Trouble this big I can't quite believe one or the other of them isn't in the middle of it.

If you haven't seen them a place to get that tattoo I've heard about, followed by a place to get a drink would be a close second as far as helpfulness goes.

[Now with added anti-baddie filters]

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If the Cloak chose now to malfunction I might just hit someon Hi. I seem to be a little lost, and the clerk at the internet cafe told me I should look here for help. Although I'm not sure how I'm supposed to ask Mundies for help getting back to the Homel Could someone direct me to the nearest bus station? I need to get back to New York.
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