War Is Coming Communications.

April 28th, 2015

April 28th, 2015

Plot Filter: Melrose Beach

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I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm a slut just because I want to date a seventy five year old man with a bad heart and prostate cancer who happens to own half of Los Angeles.

What's wrong with that?

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In light of, well, everything, I'm finding it difficult to keep on track with the wedding planning. Maybe Vegas really was the best plan.

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Villain!Jemma is an unreasonably unsettling idea.

And yes, I'm watching. This soap is just as weirdly addictive as most soaps. And hell, I've mainlined way worse.

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[OOC, I'm going to assume Molly got her wish of teleportation from Will, but if not, I'll edit!]

Finals are coming up soon and then freedom. Glorious, wonderful freedom. Well, except for the fact I have to spend two months figuring out what I want to do for my next term of classes. But anyway, I'm debating taking another vacation. Any suggestions? Just not London or the Bahamas. I have money and instantaneous travel all covered.

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Klaus is Captain of the Football Team....Klaus is Matt Donovan. That's the funniest thing ever!

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Old me would have loved having an all female crew, you know. Especially if it was as kickass as Georgina's. I'm kind of watching the others but I keep going back to Star Trek: Frontier. Is it bad I want to see a female Q at some point?

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cut, not filtered )

A view like this really puts things in perspective.

[ooc: Rose basically logged on just long enough to post and will be slow in responding to comments, if she responds at all.]
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