War Is Coming Communications.

December 28th, 2014

December 28th, 2014

No Known Threats

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Ha! It works! I get to be a Weasley for a day.

WOAH! Wait a minute! One of my hearts stopped! OH, WAIT! I only have one heart. Oh, that's disgusting! I'm human. That was not a side-effect I had considered.

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Okay, so like usually New Years is everyone saying what their resolutions are. You know those ones that you so flake out on after a month? Plus we've got like TONS of newbies running around now who are so just getting used to being here so resolutions are probably not a thing yet even.

So let's do a game instead!

Just fill this out:

1. Your name: Caroline Forbes
2. Favorite movie: Gone with the Wind
3. One interesting fact about yourself: I leaped off the Eiffel Tower and didn't break anything.
4. And a question that you want to ask me or someone else: What song drives you absolutely insane right now?

No Threats, Apparently?

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I don't quite understand your holidays, but I do enjoy gifts. Especially gifts from home. And the ability to defend myself and the entirety of the three people here I care about. So thanks little singing orb thing. Glad I decided to actually trust you.

Now. Who was going to tell me I was one of the fictional? And that apparently I'm d Well, I suppose I expected that part but Not a fan of you all knowing

[Katniss & Johanna]

Did you two know? Well, now you do. These people can find out everything about us at a moment's notice.

Even Katniss' apparent singing career.


Did I read that right? You're a mermaid??
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