War Is Coming Communications.

April 15th, 2012

April 15th, 2012

Filtered to Irene

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Darling, we need to talk. About Moriarty. And myself, apparently.

I can't sleep
I've never been this afraid in my entire life
I can't let him do this

...he's started his game with me...


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Moriarty's started bothering Helena. Right now its just through the comms but she's going to talk to Irene to see where they stand in his game since Sherlock will be his endgame.

In that vein, have you had any luck tracking him?

Also, we're fictional here. He sent Helena a youtube video of her.

Anti-evilbitches filter (extended version!)

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It just took me twenty minutes to make coffee because kitchen stuff is interesting even though it's actually really boring.

[ooc: have a sick!Dean, sharing Erin's experience with kitchen adventures this morning]

Filtered against anyone who doesn't like gif posts. Or the internet. Or doesn't have a soul.

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Can we talk about how over the top your feelings are here, Felicia?

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So. I've been kidnapped by a biblical seal to another world to fight in a war involving demons and, apparently, the devil. There's just one problem here.

I don't have anything to wear. Which means I need to go shopping.

Ladies of Lawrence - sound off on the best stores to hit, please.

Speaking of....Piper, Prue, can I borrow some money?


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Are you free tomorrow? I am the worst bride ever in not having my dress or bridesmaids dresses picked out yet when I'm getting married within the next two weeks. You up for some dress shopping with me and my sisters and most likely Mel? I'll buy you fries for lunch. Or whatever you want.

Filtered against Lucifer and that Moriarty wanker.

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I got one of my bludgers to almost work today.

Er, well. That is to say that I sort of ran into the table and it fell on my foot. Good start though, I reckon.
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