War Is Coming Communications.

March 19th, 2012

March 19th, 2012

Aunt Mara

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Would it be inconvenient to come see you?

Filtered Against Evil

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I want to go back to school. Does anybody know how I can do that?

Is it crazy here a lot like it was on St. Patrick's day? And is it possible for me to go back to school here?

I like the complex, it's very nice, but wandering around it all day is not very interesting after the first few times.

And what are good skills to put on a job application? I've never had a job before, filling out this application is kind of scary.

Filtered to Clark

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Wanna race?

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Can we just go back to having winter? Please?

Morrible is going to kill me
At least Moriarty can't control the weather

[OOC: Unfiltered because Elphie is not liking the weather and was all ready paranoid thanks to Moriarty. And anyone in her household, Elphie is currently like...in a closet or something because of her phobia of thunderstorms.]

filtered against evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Santana is so fierce. I miss her.

Filtered against Lucifer, Moriarty, and Katherine.

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Does anyone want to get some shooting practice in? I've been working on fixing up the shooting range I put together out behind my house and I'm thinking about going at it a couple rounds if anyone wants to join me.

This also applies to those of you who want to learn how to use a gun in general, if you don't know how already. I'd be happy to show you the ropes.
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