War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


April 14th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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I did it! Abby, I got it! All that's left is school-the-building and I'll be mostly a normal teenager. Finally...something good :)

[ooc: Added a few minutes later]

It doesn't totally fit but, really it does, because of B but I think I found my new favorite song...

How have you been...?

You should know...you grow up to be a hero.

April 9th, 2012

Filtered to Fi

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I got the Vegemite in the mail yesterday. Things were a little cr You wanna come over? I found an episode of Big Brother 4 on Youtube. Our Big Brother, not the American one. I could really use an Aussie Day...if you're free.

March 31st, 2012

Filtered against the normal evils

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I've been slacking here forever, so I went down to the high school and signed myself up. I guess if I'm going to be here I might as well get an education out of it, right? My first day is Monday.

Anyone doing anything interesting this weekend I can tag along on?

March 28th, 2012

filtered against (The Bad) lucifer

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DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE MY THINGS ARE? I HAVE a FISH that I can't find and SHE'S orange and red and purple and likes to talk about squash but i don't know

i want my things back

I want my SISTER and i want to go home. tHERE ARE BAD THINGS here. this is wrong.

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Where am I? Who did this. Dumain! I need some helo. I need to get back to my sister. She needs me

March 26th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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I want some Vegemite.....

Darcy, thank you so much for the help with the resume thingy. I've got an interview because of it!

[Mr. Conner Temple]

Hello, my name is Fiona Maxwell. I was told that you could help me get back into school here. Sam took care of a passport so that I won't get deported, but I would like to go back to school too.

So, would you please help me? I would very much appreciate it?

March 19th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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I want to go back to school. Does anybody know how I can do that?

Is it crazy here a lot like it was on St. Patrick's day? And is it possible for me to go back to school here?

I like the complex, it's very nice, but wandering around it all day is not very interesting after the first few times.

And what are good skills to put on a job application? I've never had a job before, filling out this application is kind of scary.

March 10th, 2012

No Rikki & No Evil

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I miss Ellie
What am I supposed to do here?
I need a hug
I miss Homer too

Some cute guy told me he was going to get me a passport and all that the day I got here, but I never got a name?

Are there any teens here that will be nice to me?

I miss my mum

Are most of the people here over sixteen?

What are some things that people can do here for fun?

Has anyone seen a girl with long, straight, dark hair that answers to Ellie yet? I just thought she might have showed up here too and I wanted to check?

And does anybody have any suggestions on ways to keep busy or have fun? I've already taken two showers and...yeah.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov

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Why is Sam Raimi such a douchebag? Is there even an answer for that? Is butchering my life story on film just that much fun? If I could actually get to sleep I'd probably be plagued by nightmares in which I transform into Tobey Maguire, spend two hours in front of the mirror putting on eye liner, and then strut down the street while listening to My Chemical Romance play in the background.

This is horrifying.

March 8th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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I never thought I'd admit to this but I almost miss being hunted by the Empire. At least I did things then.

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So... If I said that I just kicked the bucket in New York City but then I woke up in Kansas with a pulse and sans a crap load of blood that should be all over the place, you would say?

And don't say: holy crap, kid, how much crack did you smoke?

Because I'll have you know that I happen to be an upstanding citizen who would never ever dream of marring his pristine reputation with an illegal substance.

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Manny? MANNY! Why is the wine gone? And where’s my badger? And my bookshop?! What have you done with it, Manny? I want a sandwich. And wine.

[OOC - this is set at some point since being told of the boards]

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Oh gosh!

This doesn't look like Wirrawee, or like Hell, for that matter. And I thought that the internet wasn't working... Did someone fix it so that we can use it now? That's nice, I like to use the internet sometimes, though I use it mostly for schoolwork.

Homer? Ellie? Robyn? Someone? What am I supposed to do now? I don't see any soldiers here? In fact, it looks rather nice, and there are people walking around. Do we have to go back to Hell even though it seems perfectly nice here? I'd really like a shower, and a nice warm comfortable bed for a night or so too....

Is there not a war going on anymore? Or is this a dream? If it's a dream it's a really nice one.
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