War Is Coming Communications.

March 20th, 2012

March 20th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov

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Nice gift cards. Never been to a.. Walmart before, but maybe soon. Also never going to take this amulet off either. Finally figured out how to work the TV, and VDV. Umm, DVD. I think. Took three hours! Seriously, muggles, make it easier, okay? Less headache. Have to admit, I like the remote too. Sorta like having a wand. Too bad it only works on the magic/muggle box and not people. And the food! Never have had a Hot Pocket before. Very tasty. Almost burned my mouth the first time though

But I'm curious, I'm told there are classes here? I'd like to know more about them and who teaches it all. Maybe I'll check those lessons out soon. I would like to ask of one other thing. I need to borrow some books. Specifically, all seven of the books detailing the exploits of Harry Potter. Still don't know if it's a good idea. But maybe it's best I read them anyway. Learn more about my dad, or if it really was that bad as he says

filtered against evil and moriarty

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So much for trying to go to work morning, fuzzy head is fuzzy. I miss breathing like a normal person.

Filtered Against Evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Holy shit I want to try and make homemade poptarts. I found recipes!

I can't even decide where to start! I totes must do this though.

There's a nutella, strawberry, and white chocolate one.... or apple pie one....or pumpkin. Where the hell do I start?

In other news I no longer have a job. Oops.

filtered against "evil"

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[[I'm going to go ahead and assume Simon made it to TK and Jacen's, collected River, and was filled in more in-person/saw his old comm posts]]

It appears I may have been a little hasty to declare you all drug-addled cult members with delusions of grandeur and/or agents of a corrupt interplanetary government set on abducting my sister under pretense of arrest.

My apologies.

filtered against evil, moriarty and katherine

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Hello, slight problem. I just went to the office with a note from one of my teachers and passed my cheerleading coach. She is a demon now. I might have some trouble getting her alone to exorcise her before practice, and once I'm there I have a gym full of other cheerleaders to contend with.

Also, demons in the high school seems like the kind of thing I should mention.

Text sent to Rose, Kon, Anakin, Elena, and Jimmy (and anyone else she knows in high school who I might have forgotten) right before the comm post
>>Demon in the school. Mrs. Winters. Be on the lookout wherever you are if you're here today.

Filtered against Evil [ but Katherine is allowed ]

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Now that I have an ID, I would like to get a job but I don't know what's offered around here. Does anyone want to help a girl out? My first thought was teaching science at one of the schools but I'd like to explore my options before I commit to that.

Filtered to Rikki

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You doing all right all things considered weather wise?

Also, if you want I could try to teach you some self defense.


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Would you perhaps like to enjoy some tea with me? I meant to take you up on the offer earlier, but I have been a little distracted of late, my apologies.
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