War Is Coming Communications.

December 21st, 2011

December 21st, 2011

Filtered Against Evil and People Who Don't Like Jews

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First night of Hanukkah!

I have made latkes. They're crap compared to my mom's but who cares, I made them. So there. The deli is actually helpful for some things. If anyone wants, there's a big old pile of them in the kitchen. And they're amazing, not gonna lie.

Now to pretend I don't secretly want to sit and play driedle all night? No, seriously, though. I have serious wish-thinking to do.

Filtered Against Evil

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So guess what. You are now looking at (or, actually, looking at the text of) the independently wealthy. I never have to work another day in my life if I can help it. Well, not here at least, but chances are that if I landed back home I wouldn't exactly be working there, either.


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I really don't need a guilt trip from a seventeen year-old right now so

Are you going to make a wish on the thing? Other than ones that obviously don't work because I'm 99.9% sure he's still here. Sorry.

I don't really know what I want. Other than to stop feeling miserable about things I can't control, does that work?

Text to Adam

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adddduum hi ikidna missu ndim a lettl drkn

[Filtered against baddies]

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Hahahaha these wish things are awesome! All those years using unlimited money cheats in video games and now I get to use one for real life. Bye-bye motels, hello big house.

text to Dean

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I've been staring at this bauble all night.
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