» ...I just made a teenaged girl cry. I feel like a right cunt about it, as well, of course.
» If I ever have bloody children, they better be boys. I'm bollocks at girls after fifth year.
[Filtered against evil]Apparently there's a famous person in this world that looks like me. So the question I pose to those of you that have the same issue, how do you avoid getting caught on camera and whatever? This woman is apparently pregnant and I'm most definitely
not. I'm also talking about suggestions other than going outside with a bag over my head or something equally as silly.
[Filtered to Jaime]Click if you so dare, Battering Ram.[OOC: Worry not, the link is perfectly safe. Just a musical number from a movie. :P]
Seems I have a few new neighbors on my floor since before we took that road trip It's nice to be back in my room again. Hotels and campgrounds were nice, but I like my place here. But I think I'm going to add a few new things to it. Maybe a bigger TV. A couple videogame systems. More movies. And heavy metal, there should be some new stuff out by now Ohh, I also stocked some cookies in the kitchen, some ice cream and chicken too. Also a couple helpings of BBQ ribs.
Oh.. before I forget. Felicia, Phoebe? How's the party planning coming along? I know it will be great. If you need me to do anything or get anything for it, please let me know. And Prue, you can maybe use your camera to take pictures of it if you like. Speaking of.. I could help you add our vacation pics up to a CD. Then we can make copies of it if you want.
[Pretend this is from last night]
I am sure you must be going stirring crazy. Would you be interested in going out tomorrow just to get some fresh air? It can help with the nerves if you go out with no set destination or need to.
Hey man...you wanna get a few beers tonight? I'm bored as shit and I've been doing way too much thinking. I need to get wasted. You in?
Um...I have the best friends ever. I love you guys! Thank you all so much for everything...you have no idea on how many levels that means more than I can even begin to describe.
Best. Godmother. Ever. How did you pull that off without me knowing?! If I ever decide that marriage is in my future again...you're totally maid of honor. If you can plan and put together a baby shower that awesome right under my nose without me even having a clue... Wow. You did good, sweetie, you didn't have to do that!
You sneaky little thing, you! ♥ Love you, girl! :)