War Is Coming Communications.

July 15th, 2011

July 15th, 2011

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I know I shouldn't have. But I got curious. And you know what? I can deal with there being a fictional world out there based on the Doctor and his travels. And I can accept that he has a companion named Rose Tyler and it isn't like I'm the only fictional person here, after all. I guess in my heart I've always known it was a possibility so it takes some time, but hey, no big. I can even, with some effort, accept that a lot of my most personal thoughts and feelings were shown to the entire world, whatever.

BUT A PROSTITUTE?!? That? That I can't deal with. I know she's just an actress playing both parts but... I can't. This is just... Wow.

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sent to leia and han )

Filtered to those at team Detox Ava place sans Ava herself :P

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I need a breather so I'm going for food. Any requests? Not limited to food options only in Kansas.

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Is it just me or does this place need a burlesque club?

filtered against baddies

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Does anyone think they'd like dance lessons? I thought maybe I could offer them for free until Tina and Dave help me out with the studio.

Did your daughters like the cat?
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