War Is Coming Communications.

November 1st, 2010

November 1st, 2010

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Good Match Ron, You ever consider going for Championships. You're not half bad for a Brit.

Filtered Against Baddies

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The paper here isnt as keen on geting storie's writen about the weird that hapens here. Seems like theyd just rather pretend it didnt hapen. Or make up some "logical" something about it.

Yeah. Because theres a logical reason for things like everyone geting all gleeful for a few days.

Filtered to Captain Jack

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I wish I could forget I don't think I can go on.

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[Filtered to Clark]
We should do something, you know besides patrol.

[Filtered to Ron]
So what is the deal with you and Hermione? just because steph isn't my favorite person in the world doesn't mean you get to hurt h

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[Filtered to Babs]
Remind me never to get involved with relationship drama again.

[Filtered to Ruby]
I don't much like you either

So. Hermione, Ron, and Steph.

Filtered to Sam

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...I'm yelling at kids about their sham marraige. This is clearly a sign we need to try that talking thing again.

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I miss Harry.

I'm starting to miss home.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people try to stab the burning skeleton. Does that seriously seem like a good idea? Am I just missing the logic here, or are people really that stupid? And then they blame me when they're on fire.

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Working in a bookstore is great and all, but my boss wants me to work in the children's department - where there is a cardboard Hogwarts. That's just cruel.

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Hey Stephanie, do you still work at the comic shop?

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[Text to Sam]

youlget herback. all i kniow rigght now but i thought itd make youguys feel better inthe meantiem.

[Text to Jo]

im gonna go sleepfor a week ok?/ if yuo needme i'll wake up, butmy head hutrs. aslo the buttonson my phonee are really glowy for bieng so frigginn smallll. like lasrs inmy eyesor somethng.

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[Filtered against baddies and Damien]

Hey everyone, I just wanted to invite you all to a birthday party I'm throwing for Damien on the 6th. I rented out a little club at [address] and a local heavy metal band will be providing live music. There will be food and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, so all ages are welcome.

Also, this is a surprise, so don't tell Damien!

[Filtered to Damien]

You. Keep your schedule free on the evening of the 6th. That's an order not a request. ;)

against baddies.

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So is there a place here like the Bronze? You know a place with the music, and the dancing and the people who aren't drinking age yet?

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Got mistaken for some guy named Ian today. I know you're all always complaining about getting mistaken for fictional characters, but this girl was hot. I guess this makes me a stud in both worlds.
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