War Is Coming Communications.

June 16th, 2010

June 16th, 2010

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Text to Ruby.

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Filtered Against Evil Intentioned

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Me and Kara are going down to Haiti to help with the relief efforts.
We'll be back in a couple of days.

Nobody get hurt or I'm going to be very pissed off with every single one of you.


How is she Is she Mind if I stop by before I go? Is she up for videos yet?

Filtered after Booth's comment against evil intentioned aka Jerks who want her baby :)

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So, Two questions.

1. Why do bad guys always smirk at the camera when they've just done something evil? Like every time, when the other characters are still in the room, they're being hugged or something and they get all smirky. It makes no sense.
2. Why do the towns where murder mystrey shows are set still have populations. You know you'd move if there were that many murders.

So I'm pregnant, bored and there was cheesy murder dramas, they're still valid questions

Filtered against those with evil intentions

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The state of this place. It almost reminds me of the buildings that were falling as Krypton started to give.

I can see so many bodies down there, so many people they aren't even aware of yet. Men and women, to babies, all dead. Then there were the ones still alive.

I found all of them that I could, and we got them out. Sorry about the Angels of Haiti news report, but if we had of waited until it was dark more would have died.

Filtered to Prue and Phoebe

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Piper is here and she and Christy she knows about Prue dy and she's from your time Prue. Earlier even since she didn't know that you died when she showed up. I explained things to her as best as I can. But you and Phoebe should talk to her. So she has the truth from someone she kno tru knows.

Filtered; Paige

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I'm sorry. I'm sorry about...how that happened.
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