War Is Coming Communications.

April 26th, 2010

April 26th, 2010


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So I know not all of us have a place to go to for thanksgiving tomorrow... well later today seeing when I'm writing this. And I haven't been all that ... here recently. Events have kind of thrown me for a loop. But I was thinking, those of us who don't have anywhere else and aren't taking part in the complex's thing, maybe we could all get together. For dinner. I've sort of been saving up for this anyway. So yeah. Thoughts? I don't really have any family here. Just Tim.

Filtered Against Evil Intentioned

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I'm sorry, I didn't put this up earlier but I was tired. Sue me. I'm putting it up now.

Kara and Ginny were fantastically wondeful enough to set up things that we have a large room for dinner at the The Eldridge Hotel. Dinner will start at four p.m. Try and not to come much later than that. I'd really appreciate if anyone that can orb, teleport, fly, apparate, drive, whatever, meet me and Andrew at the main kicthen. Since we need to bring the food there.

I would like to say that everyone is invited. And I swear to Dios, if you're a minion of hell, eye gouging bastard, I will kick your If you have issue with that. Just don't sit next to the person.

This is Thanksgiving and people put a lot of effort into this. Not just me and Andrew. Be nice and behave. Or I will hurt you.

See you in a few hours!

I've got your pie and some food. I'll drop it off around three? Does that work for you?

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So I was peelin' this orange... just cause I was hungry y'know.

And I thought about it. It sounds HORRIBLE. When you peel it I mean it's like riiiiiipppp, and even with the segments...

I kinda don't wanna eat it now.

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I love food. Adam, you lost. So badly. I think you owe me a drink for how badly you lost.

Thanks Andrea and Andrew. That was awesome.
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