War Is Coming Communications.

April 13th, 2010

April 13th, 2010

Filtered to Bobby Singer

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You are in charge of these camps?

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I find myself tired lately though I assure you I don't have the flu. The ones you have here don't really do that much by way of affecting me.

That said, if any of you do need anything brought to you, let me know.

And I'm taking a few days break from Classes if thats okay. Work on on the work you have and we'll resume next week?

[Filtered to Ace, Leela, Martha, Jack, Rose]

Yes, it is him.

I'm giving him a chance. You can call me foolish or question why but he gets one chance to proove himself. He's the only other Time Lord here and that means the decision is mine.

I know the things he has done and I'm not saying forgive.

Can you just trust that I know what I'm doing?

[Filtered to Buffy]

The Time Lord I spoke of having arrived, he calls himself the Master. He has done things, terrible things. But I wonder might being here be a chance for him. I hope that it is.

I'm keeping a careful eye, and he is getting one chance from me. I cannot speak for you and yours and its unlikely the others of my dimension would want him in the complex. I'll figure something out.

Filter to Martha Jones

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Not that Romana isn't fully capable - I don't trust the Master, and he sure as hell doesn't deserve any chances. Looked like you felt the same. If she wants to try I won't stop her, but if he so much as sneezes funny I want to know about it. What do you think?

filtered to Marian, Much and Allan

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It turns out there are a lot of movie and television versions of our story out there other than the cartoon one, and Marian and I have been collecting some DVD's. There's one version in particular that seems to be incredibly accurate, and the others should be good for some laughs, if nothing else.

I was thinking, if possible, we could all take a few days off and watch these. What say you?

Apartments filter

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I know I've been absent from classes for several days, or even been here in the complex. I was taken after work. Vampires. I hate them. I think that anyone would agree, especially others who were taken, that they all need to die either quick or slow. I'd go with quick only to get it over with. I managed to send an SOS out and got brought back here abut a couple nights ago. I'm grateful to them both. But I'm fine, just a bit drained but doing a little bit better today. I just need to rest a couple more days before going back to the classes. I usually go every day, but it's best I heal up first

I've heard a lot about what happened during this. I wish I could have been here to help out Congrats to the groups that succeeded. But that school thing was messed up. No child should ever have seen anything so grotesque. And.. people are sick? I was very sick some while back. I remember telling someone about it because I didn't want anyone else to ever go through that though they weren't themselves at the time. But it's happening now. I have some cans of chicken noodle soup in my room, just by the door. Anyone needs some extra, just come and take it. Others need it more than I do.

And Thanksgiving! That sounds good too. Haven't had one in eight years There's some foodstuffs for that at my work, cheap too. Feel free to come by and buy whatever you see that might be good for that upcoming day.

filtered against baddies.

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I'm watching some movie and I'm pretty sure that one of the guys in it lives here. He kind of has a...hot temper from what I'm seeing.

Doesn't make me feel very comfortable.
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