War Is Coming Communications.

March 10th, 2010

March 10th, 2010

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Out of all the things this place doesn't have, it had to have Highlander? Why? I tried to change the channel but Oliver hid the remote.

Edit: Thank God for Mighty Ducks. He finally agreed to change the channel.

Filtered to Pike

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Found the guy, found the knife. Girls scent was all over him. Police have him now

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This time is at the very least entertaining. All of this technology makes everything very easy.

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Filtered to Andrea, Buffy, Kate, Ruby, Sam )

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Pike )

Filtered to Arthur

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There is something that I nee Are you Since when do I hesitate in telling you what you sho This would have been so much easier if you were at least a year older Are you going to be in your apartment tonight? There is something that we need to discuss and I would like to start it now say it in person this evening.

Filtered: Dean, Sam, Bobby

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Aright, that's it

I need a weapon. I powerful weapon. Something made by Gods. You do have Gods here, right? How can I find one? Would the Angels know?

Filtered against baddies

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Who's stoked for boot camp tomorrow!
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