War Is Coming Communications.

November 30th, 2009

November 30th, 2009

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I don't know what the heck is going on here but some lady who smelled funny at the counter told me to go to this place online and you people would tell me what is going. So you better because I'm going to be in so much trouble when they realize I'm missing and be grounded for life. Or whoever did this is. They'll get squished. Old Lace will eat you.

Also. There was a person with creepy black eyes. I don't know if that counts as having super powers but I hit them anyway.

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[OOC: Posted as Black Cat]

Define a villain.

Just humor me, call it a debate on morality

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How do you get a job?

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You're kidding me. Is this really an entire forum for people from other worlds?

Well anyways, hey. I'm Atlanta.

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Somebody tell me how "Nobody puts 'Baby' in a corner?" gets beat out by Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard? I'll give them "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow." but not that and not Caddyshack. Definitely not Caddyshack

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Chloe Sullivan, the brains behind Clark Kent. No more stupid acts.. well, I'll try my best to make sure he remembers a kitty says meow and a dog goes woof.

I could also really use some coffee right now. Or as rumor has it, my cousin is around here. Lets keep me hidden as long as possible from her. ;)

filtered to Kara, Clark & Lois

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I'm so sorry. I was being such a freak. I'm going to find a way to make things up to you guys.

You name it I'll try and do it.

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Does anyone else besides me feel really bad for Farrah Fawcett and Billy Mays? "Oh no, you're dead. But you're not as important as MJ so we're just going to mostly ignore you while we discuss all the controversy in MJs life and then try to make up for being so harsh toward him for this long. Because now that he's dead we feel guilty."
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