War Is Coming Communications.

July 19th, 2009

July 19th, 2009

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I need something else to focus on.

My own pain is not productive. Jimmy is not coming back and I need to accept that.

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Things are just getting worse around here. I read about some man getting mauled about 200 yard away from where I'm staying. There has to be something we all can do to prevent these things from happening.

I know not everyone can be saved, but come on...

Private to Sam, Ruby, and Jo

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So, that girl mentioned mauling. She didn't mention how severe it was, but while talking to her, I thought, "Hey, don't werewolves maul people sometimes?" So. Do they exist? And for that matter, what else should we be watching out for? I don't need a seminar or anything, but it'd be good to at least give us a heads up about what else is out there.

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I've got to find something to do. Other than moon over Gabriel, it's so pathetic.

And I think I can help with this whole demon thing.

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Sam. )

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I really hate to sound like Kent ... but we really do sell the best fucking tomatoes. Almost like ever. Though the ones back home are much better.

We're also having a sale on corn and strawberries. Not that often you can find strawberries that look that good, taste that good, and are that cheap ... Shut up, Lane.

Oh, and by any chance. Anyone know where I can find a kitchen? Only so many times I can clean my motel room


Still up for a spar?

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I think my favourite part about infomercials is how they manage to make the most mundane task look completely daunting and impossible. Because I know when I put toothpaste on my toothbrush it really is that big of a challenge not to get it all over the bathroom counter.
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