War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


November 20th, 2011

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Who: Brady and Ruby, then Sam and Jess, then Ava
What: Brady ambushes Ruby by using her beloved fries as bait. Sam, Jess, and even Ava cannot take this abuse of delicious fast food lying down. Brady is killed.
Where: Convenient dark alley outside Ruby's favorite place for fries
When: Tonight, late evening
Warnings: Violence, character death

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September 30th, 2011

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WHO: Pete Dunham and Jessica Moore
WHAT: Jess is back from the dead and rather jittery.
WHEN: 9/30/11 - Midnight
WHERE: Pete’s Apartment
STATUS: Complete
RATING: PG, graphic language

Restless, Jessica felt restless. )

September 15th, 2011

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WHO: Pete Dunham and Jessica Moore
WHAT: Waking up from the dead in Kansas
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: A few blocks from the complex, in Lawrence
STATUS: Incomplete
RATING: TBA, but graphic language warning, for sure.

The GSE was nowhere. Millwall's firm was nowhere to be found. And he definitely wasn't at the fucking Millennium Dome. )

September 3rd, 2011

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Who: Jess M. and Simon
What: Simon is neurotically testing Kyle’s gift, and will now have to explain to Jess why he is fiddling with her stalker-jewelry
When: Tonight, late-ish
Where: Med lab
Warnings: Should be pretty tame

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June 17th, 2011

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WHO: Kyle Kingston and Jessica Moore
WHAT: Meeting, getting an amulet, and trying not to be seen.
WHEN: Either late night 6/16 or early, early in the AM of 6/17.
WHERE: The main complex lobby.

Kyle wasn't sure why he agreed to stop by that complex place. )

May 12th, 2011

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WHO: Jessica and Jules
WHAT: Jules has been having a kinda hard time and Jess is still confused.
WHEN: Night, May 11th.
WARNINGS: Nothing really.

Bar. Bar bar. Bar bar bar. Baaaaaar. )

May 8th, 2011

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WHO: Jessica and Freddie
WHAT: Jessica's arrival and wtfery!
WHEN: Night, May 8th.
WHERE: Residential neighborhood to down town.
WARNINGS: Nothing really.

I thought I was in heaven? )

October 22nd, 2010

Moving In

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WHO: Jessica Moore, Quinn Fabray, open
WHAT: Moving into her new apartment, having ice cream and dealing with the Sam/Ruby stuff.
WHERE: Apartment Complex
WHEN: Later the evening after she finds out about Sam and Ruby

Jessica turned the key in the door of her new apartment... )

October 20th, 2010

Jessica Rising

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Who: Jessica Moore, anyone!
What: Rising from the Dead. ;)
When: Present day
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
Warnings: None yet.


The sun was in her eyes... )

July 29th, 2010

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Who: Jessica Moore and Dean Winchester
What: Test to see if she's alive or what
When: Monday Evening
Where: The Complex
Rating/Status: "R" neither of them is exactly good at holding their tongues/incomplete

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