Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'time:+2010+01'

Jan. 28th, 2018


Network: Missing Person

Who: Percy & OPEN
When: Sunday AM, 1/28/10
What: In the aftermath, there's a missing witch.
Warnings: Discussions of violence.
Public/Private: Public.


RP: here to help

Who: Lisa + OPEN
When: Sunday 1/28/10
Where: V-Bar
What: Community gathering...
Warnings: (angst, sadness, mentions of character death/violence).

no one pays today )



Network: MM: Visiting Hours

Who: Marcus, Percy
When: January 28
What: St. Mungo's is, understandably, very busy right now
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private

MM to Percy Weasley: Hi, this is Flint. Are you okay?
MM to Percy Weasley: Could you do me a favour and let me know when Ginny can have visitors who aren't family?
MM to Percy Weasley: I didn't want to bother the hospital

Jan. 27th, 2018



RP: The Deliverance of Bad News

Who: Addi and Blaise to start; Dora, Hyperion, and Eugenia later
When: Saturday, January 27, 2010, evening/night
Where: Addi's house, then Dora/Ewan's house
What: Addi and Blaise find out about the explosion. Things spiral from there.
Warnings: Panicking, highly emotional, likely language, high-risk pregnancy things

and needing to be needed )



RP: A Place to Heal

Who: Elijah and everyone
When: January 27-28, 2010, late night through the next day
Where: St. Mungo's Hospital
What: People visiting their loved ones in the aftermath of the Leaky Cauldron explosion.
Warnings: Trauma, PTSD, etc.

he'd never wanted to see anything like that again )

RP: The aftermath.

Who: Percy & Open
When: 11:30pm, 1/27/10
Where: Ministry of Magic - Delivered live via the Network to all of Wizarding UK.
What: Percy makes the devastating announcements on behalf of the Ministry.
Warnings: Character death/angst/discussions of violence.

Percy had to take several deep breaths before standing at the podium. )



RP: The End of The Leaky

Who: Public/Everyone
When: 1/27/10; 5pm
Where: Diagon Alley - Wizarding Side - The Leaky Cauldron
What: A tragic accident.
Warnings: Violence/character death/assumed terrorism.

❝In life, more than in anything else, it isn’t easy to end up alive.❞  )

Jan. 26th, 2018



Network: All the Messages

Who: Addi to Zee, Blaise/Draco, Dora, Persephone, Quin, and Coop
When: Friday, January 26, 2010
What: It's Friday night and Addi's not feeling the best, so she's pestering everyone.
Warnings: TBD
Public/Private: Private

all the messages under here! )

Jan. 25th, 2018



RP: Placeholder

Who: Gen & Coop
When: January 25th
Where: Honeymoon
Warnings: TBD

Placeholder )

Jan. 24th, 2018


rp: chocolate is a gift of love to yourself

Who: Romi & Melinda & public
When: Wednesday, 1/4/10; morning-ish
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: In desperate need of Chocolate
Warnings: Probably language from Romi & definite TMI re: womanly issues

❝ chocolate is a gift of love to yourself ❞  )