Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


October 2nd, 2018



Network/RP: Netflix and Chill?

Who: Hannah and Theo
When: Tuesday, October 2, 2012
What: It's been three days; that's not too soon to reach out, right?
Warnings: NSFW
Public/Private: Private

MM to Theo Nott: I was wondering, if you haven't got any plans tonight, if you'd like to come watch a movie with me.
MM to Theo Nott: I've got a bunch of junk food that we probably shouldn't eat (but shh! I won't tell if you won't!) and it's raining
MM to Theo Nott: And I thought, maybe, we could talk
MM to Theo Nott: If you want to, I mean